FRAY Terms Flashcards
Identifying and manipulating morphemes, the smallest units of meaning in language
Ex: un-happy
(un changes the meaning)
Relationships between the letters of written language and the sounds of spoken language
Matching sounds with letters
Written representation of a sound, including individual letters and combinations of letters that spell phonemes
aka letter used to represent a sound (phoneme)
Phonological Awareness
Big Umbrella
Identifying and manipulating units of sound in oral language
Phonemic Awareness
Subset of phonological awareness- identifying and manipulating phonemes, the smallest unit of sound in oral language
Includes blending sounds into words, segmenting words into sounds, and deleting and playing with the sounds in spoken words
High Frequency Words
Most commonly used words in printed text (a, and, he, I, in, is, it, the, to)
Deep orthography
Relationship between letters and sounds is not direct
Shallow orthography
Consistent spelling for words and one-to-one letter sound correspondence
The Simple View of Reading
decoding x language comprehension = reading comprehension
strong reading comprehension cannot occur without both of those abilities
Decoding Strategies (2)
Sound-by-sound decoding- /b/ /a/ /l/
Chunking words into parts using syllables or morphemes- /play/ /ing/
Orthographic Map
Allows readers to commit words to long-term memory, recognizing words automatically
The sounds in a language
Word order, grammar, and rules of a language
The meanings of words, phrases, and sentences (sometimes called vocabulary knowledge)
Social rules of language
4 Categories of Early Print Concepts
Print meaning, text organization, sentence organization, letter and word knowledge
Shared Reading
An interactive read aloud where the students join in or share the reading of a book while guided and supported by a teacher. The teacher explicitly models the skills of proficient readers, including reading with fluency and expression