Fraud Flashcards
What are the three ways fraud can be committed under the Fraud Act 2006?
- fraud by false representation
- fraud by failure to disclose
- fraud be abuse of position
What is the actus for fraud for false representation?
- just a false representation
- no need for someone to be actually deceived
What is the MR for fraud by false representation?
- dishonesty
- mens rea for the false statement
- intention to make a gain or cause a loss
What is a representation?
Statement as to fact or law
Including statement as to state of mind of:
- the person making the representation or
- any other person
Does a representation have to be express?
No can be express and implied
When will a representation be false?
- if it is untrue or misleading
How can an implied representation arise?
- what the defendant say
- the defendant’s conduct
Will pure silence ever amount to a representation?
No - pure silence without an accompanying action cannot amount to a representation
When will statements as to expressing beliefs or opinions amount to a false representation?
Most likely where D is in a better position to express the belief or opinion than the other party
When will a representation as to an intention to do something amount to a false representation?
If D states they have intention to do something when they have no such intention
When will overcharging amount to false representation?
Where there is a relationship of mutual trust and one party takes advantage of that by overcharging the other
Must a false representation be made to another human?
No it can be made to a machine
Covers those using stolen credit cards and PIN codes
What is the test for dishonesty?
(1) What was the defendant’s knowledge and belief as to the facts?
(2) Given that knowledge and those beliefs was the defendant dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people?
Will deception always amount to dishonesty?
No behaviour that amounts to deception will not always amount to dishonesty
What is the mens rea with regards to the false statement?
The defendant must know or be aware that the statement is untrue or misleading
Will be satisfied if D is subjectively aware of the possibility that what they are saying or implying is false
What will amount to recklessness in making an untrue or misleading statement?
If D is indifferent, disregarding of, whether the statement is true or false
Must be greater than just carelessness or negligence
When will a false statement not meet the mens rea requirement that D knows or is reckless as to whether statement is true or misleading?
If D believes, however unreasonably, that the representation is true
D gives a clear caveat to the statement they make
What amounts to intention to make a gain or cause a loss for purposes of false representation?
- D intends to make a gain for themselves
- D intends to make a gain for someone else
- D intends to cause a loss to another
- D exposes someone to risk of loss
No actual gain or loss needs to happen
What can be gained/loss?
Only money or property (temporary or permanent, real or personal including things in action and other tangible property)
What does gain include for the fraud by false representation?
- keeping what one has
- getting what one does not have
What does loss include for fraud by false representation?
- no getting what one might get
- parting with what one has
What is the actus reus for fraud by failure to disclose?
- existence of a legal duty
- failure to disclose
According to Law Commission guidance, when is a duty likely to arise for the purposes of fraud by failure to disclose?
- duty arising from statute
- duty arising within a transaction of utmost good faith
- contained in the express of implied terms of a contract
- arising from a custom in a particular trade or market
- arising from a fiduciary relationship
What must the prosecution do once it has established that there is a legal duty to disclose?
They must prove that D has failed to disclose the information to the other party
What two mens rea requirements are there for fraud by failure to disclose?
- dishonesty
- intention to make a gain or loss
(same as fraud by false representation)
What is the AR for fraud by abuse of position?
- D must occupy position which requires them to look after victim’s financial wellbeing
- D must abuse that position
What is the MR for fraud by abuse of position?
- dishonesty
- intention to make a gain or loss
(same as fraud by false representation)
What situations will mean that D is in a position where they are required to look after V’s financial wellbeing?
- trustee to beneficiary
- director to trustee
- professional person to client
- employee to employer
- partner to partner
- may arise in families
- voluntary work
(Essentially where fiduciary or something akin to fiduciary relationship)
What will amount to abuse of that position for fraud by abuse of position?
D uses incorrectly or puts to improper use the position held in a manner that is contrary to the expectation that arises because of that position
Must there by an act of abuse for fraud by abuse of position?
No there can be an omission eg failure on behalf of employee who has duty to collect payment on behalf of their employer