Frases Flashcards
We are priviledged people
Somos pessoas privilegiadas
Hello everyone. Thank you for the opportunity. My name is André Gama .
I’m a business leader. I have worked at UCB since 2014.
I have been in this position since september last year.
I’m responsible for increasing the demand of eplepsy medicines.
I’m in cherge of a team of 11 consultants in 4 different states in Brazil.
Our team is responsible for 55% of the Brazilian business in our unit.
Apresentação empresa
Good to see you
Bom ver você
Did you have a nice trip?
Você teve uma boa viagem ?
Would you like some water ou some Coffee ?
Você gostaria de água ou café ?
Its always like this
É sempre assim
Patrick, have you net Danilo?
Id like you to meet Celso, my teacher…
Id like to introduce you to Carla
Patrick, this is Carla . Carla this is Patrick
Carla is a consultant in RP and other country sido towns
The idea is to make these face to face activities in a safe wat
After the event we took Photo
We showed cometee crisis covid
My week was good
Ir was a good week
We are kind of coming back to normal Life
We need to stay face to face with our clients
The product is going to arrive within a week
Into indica movimentação (dentro )
It was a succeful event
Without covid sympthoms
In the beginning of the week
When your guest arrived you need to give a mask
You have to find a safe event or a safe restaurant
Aula inglês
The idea is to make these face to face activities in a safe wat
After the event we took Photo
We showed cometee crisis covid
My week was good
Ir was a good week