Frankensten context Flashcards
the bible:creation
frankenstein and the book go genesis have many similarities and the bible has had. a clear influence on the book.she includes many similarities between characters from genesis and her own. visor himself is a created being according to gneiss, creating a being himself goes directly against god
Plutarchs lives
draws the creature to think about the significance of individuals at a large scale, ultimately giving the creature an understanding of humanity. it focuses on difficult moments in peoples lives where they makes decisions
Mary Wolstoncraft
Mary shelly other, who was a feminist who espoused her views in her famous work “a vindication of the rights of women”. He married Marys father, to protect the right of the fourth coming child, four weeks after giving birth to Mary she died of complications .
attitudes towards death changed in 18th century, people were more aware of their own death, prepared for it accept it, instead society became obsessed with beautiful death and memorialisation
moves to abolish slavery
during this period, the campaign for the abolition of the slave trade was the main issue that united rather than divided political and religious opinion, during eighteenth century there was a wide spread consensus in favour of slavory
Tale of prometheus deals largely in the consequences resulting from seeking enlightenment and power. the romantic writers became fascinated with the defiant prometheus. they saw him a a rebellious hero and became a figure head for literary movement. he affirms the power of the individual
the sorrows of young Werther
one literary text interwoven into Frankenstein, as in the story he seeks meaningful connections farther then scrumming to his own despair
William Godwin
Mary shelly farther, who was a philosopher . his most famous book was political justice, critical looks on society and the ethical treatment of the masses. He had frequent guests in their home, guaranteeing her education, the influence of her famous fathers home cannot be understated with a constant stern of writers.
William wilberforce
he founded the society for the abolition of the slave trade, made several attempts to introduce a law banning the trade through British empire, devoted his energies to the abolition of slavery. Mary shelly mother was a supporter of abolition and was close associates with Wilberforce
popular unrest:luddites and peter loo
hard workers in trades such as waving felt threatened by the introduction of new machinery, led to riots known as luddites, both Percy shelly and lord Byron were sympathetic to the luddites, alongside peter loo they were the best known examples of popular unrest in the 18th century
luigi Galvani
after noticing that the leg of a dissected animal could be made to move through the application of a charge, leading much speculation on the relationship between biology, chemistry and electricity. galvanic nephew progressed from legs to the reanimation of hanged animals and led to doctors investigating how to be air ti resuscitate lives
paradise lost
Frankenstein has sinned against hi own creator god, by ultimately playing god causing him to loose his own paradise just like how Adam in paradise lost is expelled from the garden of eden for defying gods word. victor also ultimately represents satan in paradise lost.
Percy shelly
He idolised her farther, there relationship began and they left for France together, shelly was still married to his first wife, he prosed to her as soon as that marriage was dissolved. when they returned to England they lived in hiding to avoid his first wife and avoid his debts, he asked Marys farther to relive his debt
pathetic fallacy
literary technique is common to gothic fiction where weather, nature and setting frequently reflect characters mood and emotions
Ann Radcliff
distinguished between terror and horror. terrors relies more on suggestion and anticipation and horror is direct and explicit