Frankenstein ultimate quote list Flashcards
an enterprise which
you have regarded with such evil foreboding
(walton’s letters at the start)
wind of
promise (walton’s letters at the start)
a land surpassing
in wonder and in beauty every region (walton’s letters at the start)
curiosity (walton’s letters at the start)
poets whose
effusions entranced my soul (walton’s letters at the start)
a most severe evil
I have no friend (walton’s letters at the start)
inhabitant (walton’s letters at the start)
grace (about Caroline, chapter 1)
my mother’s tender caresses
and my father’s smile of benevolent pleasure while regarding me are my first recollections
sent (Elizabeth)
bearing a celestial
stamp (Elizabeth)
deeply smitten
with the thirst for knowledge
possessed by the very spirit of
kindness and indulgence (victor’s parents)
it was the secrets
of heaven and earth that I desired to learn
fervent longing to
penetrate the secrets of nature
a most violent and terrible
curiosity and
delight (when watching the storm in chapter 2)
destiny was too potent
and her immutable laws had decreed my utter and terrible destruction
the consequences of this imprudence
were fatal to her preserver (caroline because she looked after elizabeth)
my firmest hopes of future happiness were
placed in the prospect of your union
i will endeavour
to resign myself cheerfully to death
she veiled
her grief (elizabeth’s sacrifice)
i ardently desired
the acquisition of knowledge
take my station
among other human beings
my mind was filled with
one thought, one conception, one purpose
the labours of men of genius,
however erroneously directed, scarcely ever fail in ultimately turning to the solid advantage of humankind
i paid no
visit to geneva (chapter 3)
labour (chapter 3)
a new species would
bless me as its creator and source
of filthy creation
the beauty of the dream
vanished and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart
unable to compose
my mind to sleep (chapter 5)
livid with
the hue of death (the creature upon its creation)
one hand was
stretched out, seemingly to detain me, but I escaped
a voyage of discovery
to the land of knowledge
friends who
love you dearly (elizabeth’s letter to victor)
the blue lake
and snow-clad mountains - they never change
sweet laughing
blue eyes (willliam)
one line - one word
would be a blessing to us (elizabeth’s letter)
life appears to consist in
a warm sun and a garden of roses
he again taught me
to love the aspect of nature, and the cheerful faces of children
a serene sky and verdant fields
filled me with ecstacy
the print of the murderer’s finger
was on his neck
come, victor, not with
brooding thoughts of vengeance against the assassin, but with feelings of peace and gentleness that will heal, instead of festering, the wounds of our minds
the calm and
heavenly scene restored me
vivid flashed of lighting
dazzled my eyes, illuminating the lake, making it appear like a vast sheet of fire
my own vampire,
my own spirit let loose from the grave
i resolved to
remain silent
who is safe if
she is convicted of a crime? (Justine)
i commit my cause to
the justice of my judges
fear and hatred of the crime
of which they supposed her guilty rendered them timorous and unwilling to come forward
when i see a fellow creature about
to perish through the cowardice of her pretended friends, i wish to be allowed to speak
the fangs
of remorse tore my bosom and would not forgo their hold
he who would spend
each vital drop of blood for your sakes