frankenstein Flashcards
ambition: do i not..
“Do I not derserve to accomplish some great purpose”
“preferred glory”
- walton pg 17
Ambition: success
” success shall crown my endeavours”
- walton
Ambition: how gladly
“how gladly i would sacrifice my fortune, my existence, my every hope to the furtherance of my enterprise”
“one mans life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of knowledge which i sought for”
- walton pg 29
ambition: wealth,
banish disease
“wealth was an inferior object but what glory would attend the discovery”
“banish disease from the human frame”
- victor
ambition: engaged
” engaged, heart and soul, in the pursuit of some discoveries” - victor pg 51
ambition: lost
“lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit”
“dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave” pg 55
ambition: rendered
“rendered me unsocial” - victor pg 71
ambition: the result
” the result of my curiosity and lawless devices” - victor pg 83
ambition: enthusiastic
” enthusiastic frenzy had blinded me” victor pg 169
ambition: mere, wasted
“mere skeleton” “wasted frame” = effects of ambition
ambition: mad
“the mad enthusiasm”
knowledge: i shall
” i shall satiate my ardent curiosity”
“secret of the magnet” - walton pg 16
“my education was neglected”
knowledge: “ one mans”
“one mans life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of knowledge wish i sought for” - pg 29 victor
knowledge: you seek
you seek for knowledge and wisdom” - result = “ a serpent to sting you” pg 31 about walton said by victor
knowledge “the world”
” the world was to me a secret which i desired to divine” “learn the hidden laws of nature”
pg 38 - victor
knowledge: thirst
“thirst for knowledge”
“could banish disease from the human frame” - pg 41 victor
knowledge: ardently
” ardently desired the acquisition of knowledge” - pg 46 - victor
knowledge: how dangerous
“how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge”
“how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world” “than who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow” pg 54 victor
knowledge: bestow
“bestow animation upon lifeless matter pg 55