Francaise Authentice French Expressions Flashcards
Un moulin à paroles
a blabbermouth, a wordmill, a chatterbox
que ca ne me sorte de la tête
that it doesn’t leave my mind
Se jeter à l’eau
to take the plunge, make a risky decision even though you’re scared, etc.
Au sein
Se jeter
to throw oneself
Jeter sur le lit
throw oneself on the bed, you move your body very suddenly, the idea of a single shot, you have no restraint. I.e. a child throws themself on the ground.
Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre
Have eyes bigger than your stomach
Faire Face
Resist, go against
Prendre des mesures draconiennes
Take drastic measures
in the vicinity of, neighbourhood
Tourner en rond
Going around in circles, turning around in circles.
Se serre le ceinture
To tighten ones belt.
J’en ai ras-le-bol
I am fed up
J’en ai assez
I have enough
J’en ai marre
I am fed up
C’est ce que
This is what
Peu importe
never mind, it doesn’t matter, regarless, unimportant