Frameworks, Concepts, Theories, Other Flashcards
Difference Approaches
Viewing the languages, literacies, and cultural ways of being of students and communities of color as equal to, but different from, the ways demanded and legitimated in school teaching and learning. The goal was to bridge toward the dominant with little attention to maintaining heritage of students.
Funds of Knowledge
Historically accumulated and culturally developed bodies of knowledge and skills essential for household or individual functioning and well-being. These can be used in formal learning.
Third Space concept
a “curriculum and its pedagogy [that] are grounded in the historical and current particulars of students’ everyday lives, while at the same time oriented toward an imagined possible future. Scientific Equity.
Resource Pedagogies
Repositioned the linguistic, cultural, and literate practices of poor communities as resources to honor, explore, and extend in accessing Dominant American English language and literacy skills and other White, middle-class dominant cultural norms of acting and being that are demanded in schools.
Deficit Approaches
Prominent in 1960s and 1970s, viewed the languages,
literacies, and cultural ways of being of many students and communities of color as deficiencies to be overcome in learning
Practice (based in theory)
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy
An improvement on CRP (Relevant or Responsive). Requires that our pedagogies be more than responsive of or relevant to the cultural experiences and practices of young people—it requires that they support young people in sustaining the cultural and linguistic competence of their communities while simultaneously offering access to dominant cultural competence
External Colonialism
(AKA Exogenous or Exploitation Colonization)
Expropriation of another country’s indigenous goods, land, and bodies for colonizer
Internal Colonialism
Biopolitical and Geopolitical management of people, land, flora, and fauna within the borders of an imperialist nation
(Ex: prisons, ghettos, minoritizing, schooling, policing)
Settler Colonialism
Operates through internal/external colonial modes simultaneously because there is no spatial separation between metropole and colony.
Gnosis-Metaphysical; educating, nurturing, fostering, tutoring
Knowledge is innate; socratic method; personal potential; intuition
Religion (Conception of Teaching)
Gnosis-Metaphysical; disciplining, indoctrinating, inducing, introducing, training, guiding
The truth is absolute, the teacher gives it to the student
Episteme-Metaphysical; instructing, explaining, telling, informing, edifying, directing, lecturing, and professing
Light Metaphors; Separation of contents; Logical linear lesson plans
Bilingual Education act of 1968
Concession to activism in NYC and Miami, favored transitional bilingual education (TBE) over long-term bilgual ed models
Dual Language Bilingual Education- The goal is to develop bilingualism and biliteracy, not just transition to the dominant language