Framework for derm Flashcards
What are the aims of a dermatology consult?
- Address owner’s concerns
- Identify patient’s problems and treat them specifically
- Provide relief for unacceptable discomfort
- Progress towards a diagnosis
- Increase owner’s understanding of pet’s problem and the proposed route to diagnosis
What are the key questions for a dermatological history?
- **True age of onset **
- Check no prior history of skin disease, unrecognised by owner e.g foot licking, otitis
- NB important to detail the manifestations of pruritus for owner
- Evidence of contagion or zoonosis
- Ectoparasiticidal regime – detail – include in-contacts
- Distribution of lesions/pruritus
- **Did pruritus start before or after onset of lesions? **
Other questions, e.g.
* Progression – change/spread of lesions, seasonality
* Lifestyle – kenneled/indoors, contact with others
* Diet
* Travel abroad
What are the general history considerations when dealing with derm disease?
- Underlying systemic disease - E.g. PUPD in hyperadrenocorticism
- Systemic disease that may affect diagnostic or treatment plan - E.g. concurrent cardiac failure
- Drug history - cutaneous drug reaction/ intolerance, iatrogenic effects
Using the DAMNITV appraoch what are the most common general causes of skin disease?
- metabolic (incld endocrine)
- neoplastic
- inflammatory, Immune-mediated, infectious
- traumatic
Describe this lesion
1 - alopecia, excoriated
2 - Crust, erusion, ulceration (pemphigus foliaceus)
3 - nodules and papules, ulcerated (excoriated)
What lesions are primary and which are secondary?
- Primary - e.g. papules, pustules, follicular casts
Look for these - important diagnostically as d/ds often limited
Often transient - Secondary - e.g. crusts
Result from primary lesion or external factor
May be useful diagnostically
What are the common differentials for Dogs?
- Ectoparasites
- Infections
- Staphylococci
- Malassezia
- *Dermatophytes
- *Viral/protozoal
- Allergic
- Neoplastic
- Endocrine
*= uncommom
What are the common differentials for cats?
- Ectoparasites (Fleas!!)
- Infections
- Dermatophytes
- Viral
- Staphylococci
- Malassezia
- Allergic (food and enviromental)
- Neoplastic
What tests can you do to look for surface parasites?
coat comb, acetate tape strip unstained, superfical skin scraping
Sarcoptes (scabies) might require superfical skin scraping
How do you test for demodex?
Deep skin scraping
What are you sample are you going to take for cytology of the following areas:
Wet/greasy , accessible with slide?
Wet/greasy , inaccessible with slide?
- Wet/greasy , accessible with slide - direct impression smear
- Wet/greasy , inaccessible with slide - indirect smear (cotton bud)
- Dry - Stained acetate tape strip