Frame Theory Flashcards
What is abby value?
Also known as aberration value. Aberration is blurred or distorted image quality that inherent physical properties of optical device. The numerical description of how prone a lens is to breaking light down into component colours. The higher the abbey value of a lens the less likely it is to bend the light too far and create chromatic aberration
what is good and bad abby value
Good Abby valve is high 40 to 50
Bad abbey value is 30 or less
what is abby value dependent on
- Index
- Material
- Curvature
- manufacturer
5 Seidel Aberration
Spherical aberration Coma Oblique astigmatism: Curvature of field Distortion
Spherical aberration
parallel light from an object enters a large area of spherical lens surface.
object point is off the axis of the lens, there is a difference in magnification
Oblique astigmatism
when rays from an off-axis point pass through the spectacle lens.
Curvature of field
power error-the spherical component of the lens to have the effect of being off-power in the periphery when worn.
occurs because there is a different magnification at different areas of the periphery of the lens in proportion to the distance of those areas from the OC of the lens
An optical aberration refers to a defect in a lens design which causes light to spread out instead of focusing to form a sharp image.
longitudinal chromatic aberration
occurs when different wavelengths focus at different points along the horizontal optical axis as a result of dispersion properties of the glass
lateral chromatic aberration:
Produces images of a slightly different sizes at the focal length of the lens, depend on the colour of the light.
(Diff wavelengths, coming in from diff spots. light will bend like to one focal point)
boxing system
The boxing system is based upon the idea of drawing an imaginary box around a lens shape with the box’s sides tangent to the outer most edges of the shape. The system uses the sides of the boxes as reference points for the standard system of measurements.
Aberrations can occur in the lens even when the light entering the lens is only one colour.
Drop ball test
Withstanding impact of five-eighth steel ball weighing 0.56 oz, dropped from a height of 50 inches.
Four Variable of lens design
Vertex distance
Lens thickness
Refractive index
Front and back lens surface power