Fractures/Trauma Flashcards
Most important risk factor for DR fx displacement
Age >60
Tendon rupture assoc w/ DR fx treated non op
Flap for dorsal prox digit + MCP injuries
Reverse cross finger flap
Flap for volar thumb lac <2 cm
Flap for volar thumb lac >2 cm
Flap for dorsal thumb lac
Indications for replant
Thumb Multiple digits Through the palm Wrist level or proximal KIDS
Effect of MC fx shortening on extension
7 deg ext lag for every 2 mm shortening
Prox Phalanx fx deformity
IO flexes proximal
Central slip extends distal
When to operate on dorsal PIP fx-dislocations
> 30% of articular surface involved
Ligament that remains intact after lunate dislocation
Short radiolunate
Flap for volar oblique finger tip injury
Cross finger flap
Flap for dorsal oblique digit injury
V-Y advancement
Partial biceps rupture location
Radial side of tuberosity
Forearm position for LCL deficient elbow
Forearm position for MCL deficient elbow
Throwing phase with highest stress on MCL
Late cocking
Pain with deceleration in throwing
Valgus extension overload
Posteromedial olecranon osteophytes -> block full extension