Fractures Flashcards
important history points: wrist fractures
- mechanism of injury
- hand dominance
- smoking status
- PMHx - diabetest/thryoid prolongs healing time
- DHx - NSAIDs and steroids prolong healing time
colle v smith
colle = outsward - palm to ground (calle a taxi)
dorsal angulation
distal radius #
dinner fork deformirty
smith = inward - dorsum to ground
volar angulation
distal radius #
very unstable and usually requires ORIF
rule of 22, 11, 11: wrist #
displaced v undisplaced
radal inclination on AP view <22degrees
radial heigh <11mm
radial (volar) tile >11 degrees
rx: wrist #
undisplaced = short arm casr
displaced = closed reduction undr sedation (shotr arm cast) or anaesthetic (K wires)
open reduction under anaesthetic with IF (ORIF)
short arm MUS to K wires MUA to ORIF
follow up: short arm cast
XR 1,2,3 and 6
physio and remove cast - encourage mobilisation week 6
follow up: K wires
pin site and XR week 1
wires removed week 3
remove cat and mobilise wk6
follow up: ORIF
wound check wk 1-2
change to removable splint wk 2-4 and wean
complications: wirst #
N/V damage
Volkmann’s contaracture
carpal tunnel
Barton’s: wirst #
partial fracture/subluxation
part of articular surface still attached to shaft
volar displacement
rx: ankle #
undisplaced - short leg cast or removable support boot
displaced (unstable) - CR MUS - moulded short leg cast
then - CRGA - rare (only if unfit for open)
then GA ORIF
displacement: ankle #
normal if:
* medial clear space = 4cm (widening = talar shift and subluxation)
* ssyndesmosis tibia/fibula present
ankle #: XR
AP (mortician view (15 degree internal rotation)
rx: ankle dislocation
(talar shift - medial clear space >4mm)
reduce and shoer leg cast to stablise
rx: stable fibular #
- short leg cast
- XR wk 1, 2, 3 and 6
- non WB until wk6 and wean to fully WB
boot for definite stable injury and WB earlier with boot
def: maisonneuvre #
- high fibular #
- causes tearing of syndesmosis
- unstable