Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages Flashcards
When a whole unit or number is divided into equal parts, each of the parts is a fraction and a percentage of the whole unit.
Example : If a city block is divided into two equal parts, each of the parts is 1/2 or (50%) of the city block.
The number below the line is called the (denominator)- always indicates the total equal parts in a whole unit. In the city block each part was 1/2. Lower number indicates the total number of equal parts (two) in the entire city block. If 1/4 ad been used, the denominator would indicate the city block was divided into for equal parts.
The number in the fraction above is the numerator- indicates how many of the equal parts of the whole unit are being counted.
Example : Fraction 3/4 , the top number indicates three equal parts are being counted. Bottom number shows a count or four equal parts, so you are talking about all but one equal part of something (all but 1/4)
Changing fractions to decimals.
The line separating the numerator from the denominator means division( the top number is divided by the bottom number. When using calculator, enter the numerator first , then press division key followed by the denominator.
Example: in the fraction 1/2 press 1 division key by 2 = 0.5 . This converts fractions into decimals,
Changing Decimals to Percentages
To change a decimal to a percentage, move decimal point 2 places to the right and add the % sign. Its the same as multiplying the decimal by 100. If only one decimal involved , add a zero to the right of the number.
Example : .5 = .50 = 50%
1.5 = 1.50 = 150%
Changing Percentages to Decimals
To change an percentage to any equivalent decimal, place the decimal two places to the left of of the number and drop the sign. The same as dividing the percentage by 100.
Example : 34% = .34
150% = 1.50
If only one number is involved add a zero to the left.
Example : You want to calculate in dollars 7.5% commission on a house sale price
Convert the fractional part of a decimal number.
1/2 % = 1/2 = .5
Next convert the entire commission percentage to a decimal number.
7 1/2 % = 7.5 = .075
Thus the decimal point is .075 is used to calculate the sales 2.432commission. Assume the sales price is $130,000. Calculate the commission
130,000 X .075 = $9, 750 = 22,432.43
Working with Decimals
To divide a whole number by a decimal, example 41,500 divided by 1.85.
41,500/ 1.85 =22,432.432
Calculating Sales Commission