Fractions Flashcards
Simpify the fraction

Simpify the fraction

Simpify the fraction

Simpify the fraction

Simpify the fraction

What is the missing number to make these fractions equivalent?

What is the missing number to make these fractions equivalent?

What is the missing number to make these fractions equivalent?

What is the missing number to make these fractions equivalent?

What is the missing number to make these fractions equivalent?

Convert to a mixed number

Convert to a mixed number

Convert to a mixed number

Convert to a mixed number

Convert to a mixed number

Convert to an improper fraction

Convert to an improper fraction

Convert to an improper fraction

Convert to an improper fraction

Is this an improper, proper or mixed number fraction?

Is this an improper, proper or mixed number fraction?

Is this an improper, proper or mixed number fraction?

Is this an improper, proper or mixed number fraction?

Is this an improper, proper or mixed number fraction?

Mixed Number
Is this an improper, proper or mixed number fraction?

Mixed Number
Which fraction is larger?

Which fraction is larger?

Which fraction is larger?

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Identify the fraction from the diagram

Multiply the fractions

Multiply the fractions

Multiply the fractions

Multiply the fractions

Divide the fractions

Divide the fractions

Divide the fractions

Divide the fractions

Divide the fractions

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction

Identify the fraction