FR-C.1, C.2, C.3(core cooling) Flashcards
What are the methods (MAC) for restoring cooling to core?
- restore ECCS
- Depress secondary
- Start RCP
- Depress RCS
Why do we stop depress S/G when RCS WR reaches 250 psig?
to isolate accumulators and prevent N2 injection
What is the minimum requirment to start an RCP to restore cooling in “inadequate core cooling”?
Why ?
What is your last resort RCP?
- heat sink (L s/g >15% NR)
- RCP available and not operating
- L s/g - Prevent creep rupture of the S/G tubes
- RCP available - …..duh
- RCP 2 (spray)
In begining of procedure what action will you take if all RCPs are running?
prior to depressurizing all intact S/Gs to atmospheric pressure why are all RCPs secured?
stop RCP 2 and continue in procedure (rest of RCPs left on to support two phase flow)
RCP #1 seal d/p will be lost
What is the temperature range of the CET?
What are the inputs to the SCMM (Sub cooling Margin Monitor)?
0-2300 deg
WR Prcs
WR Thot