FQ2: What are the planning considerations for improved performance? Flashcards
Initial planning considerations
- performance + fitness needs (individual, team)
- needs to be thoroughly planned for potential of players + performance of teams are to be optimised
Performance + fitness needs - broken down into its various components + key components of fitness identified for focus in planning
- skill + health-related components should be identified, so training can focus on those most relevant to sport
- begins year with own level of fitness, injuries + goals
- different roles in team strategies + tactics
- INDIV: physical fitness, skills, game sense + tactics, psychological considerations e.g. arousal + motivation
- TEAM: team goals, tactics + strategies, organisational considerations e.g. training days, leadership e.g. captaincy
OUTLINE - consider fitness, skill level + goals or aspirations of an athlete/team, strengths, weaknesses + past performances
e.g. a triathlete = aware they need CV endurance + plan training around this e.g. CT - If in team, individuals need to be aware of different fitness + skill-related requirements of each member e.g. soccer - striker = speed + accuracy, goalkeeper = reaction time
Initial planning considerations
- schedule of events/competitions
- proper planning = overview of major events + comps
- ensure peaking occurs at comp time
OUTLINE - such as pre-season + post season = ensure training volume is effectively managed + peak times occur when optimal
e.g. netball coach = training schedule timed to assist players are at peak for playoffs + final, difficult for golfers who have no defined off season/compete all year round
Initial planning considerations
- Climate + season
- Heat, wind, rain, cold, altitude, fog + humidity = implementation of specific strategies
- may sports have a season
- Make changes appropriate for climate + prepare correct attire for training + comp
(protective/reflective clothing, sunscreens, fluid provided to prevent heat stress during hot weather)
OUTLINE - determines the type of envt conditions of sport + how best to prepare
- training = altered due to weather conditions e.g. wet + cold = inddor training
- hot + humid envts = move to similar climates to acclimatise e.g. NRL players from Melb get to Townsville earlier in week before game
Planning for performance for elite athletes
- Elite often fully devoted to sport + are full-time athletes
- generally will differ due to schedule of events + comps
- elite = participate in wide variety of tournaments/comps across world = increased organisation
- as such EA required to have vastly different training plan + peak several times a year for major events
- = fitness needs EA + AA differing - EA = higher (20 in beep test)
- EA required to plan for short term goals such as season of local comp + longer term goals of international comps e.g. world cup + world events (Olympics)
- As these major events occur every 4 yrs EA need to manage performance + fitness needs across a much longer time span
- EA required to prepare for a variety of climatic conditions, dependent upon location of comp
e.g. Aus elite marathon runner = prepare for race in US that would occur ‘out of season’ in Aus. As summer months are opposite in US to Aus, marathon runner may have to adjust training load to allow them to peak at appropriate time for race - may have to base themselves overseas or in a
warmer climate to match anticipated race conditions so not at a disadvantage
Planning for performance for amateur athletes
- …while amateur may be required to balance work + other commitments with
sporting pursuits - while amateur = focus on local season of comp - no detailed training program (simply turn up)
- generally low level of P+F needs + goals = r/s’s + learn names
- while AA required to peak for season ending events as part of local comp
- While AA can plan for a season of comp…
- AA generally don’t travel large distances (consider local level of C+S)
- AA, faced with same problem, may not be able
to afford same training envts + opportunities + are immediately at disadvantage
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- process of breaking year down into smaller time periods in order to structure training program effectively
- dividing an annual coaching plan into smaller, more manageable phases
Explain why periodisation would be included when planning a training year. - prepares athlete for peaking + optimal performance via a comprehensive training program
- minimises risk of injury
-prevents over- + under-training - allows for specific athlete short- + long-term goal-setting
- encompasses fitness + skill levels to meet needs of sport/performance
- allows for emphasis on specific training types to improve performance, e.g. volume + intensity
- has three phases that allow progressive + different development/adaptation, i.e. pre-season (prepatory), in season (competition) + post/off-season (transition).
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- phases of competition (pre-season)
- contain a variety of training means designed to develop fundamental performance characteristics e.g. motor performance skills + fitness = create foundation of athlete’s training base
- majority of physical preparation occurs
- develop athlete’s fitness + skill development
- If long enough (1-3 months) = broken into general + specific mesocycles (multi-week training programs)
- General: develops foundation of fitness levels where general aerobic, anaerobic, strength, conditioning, flexibility, basic skills are learnt, developed + implemented = high vol. + PO, low/moderate intensity
SOCCER: E.g. endurance fitness such as CT + AIT + strength + flexibility = last length of game - OPTIONAL: another mesocycle = specific conditioning e.g. fartlek + IT e.g. short sprints with active recovery sessions that mimic running pattern in game
- Specific: end of pre-season = participate in specific prep e.g skill based = centralised around sport needs in terms of energy systems, power, speed (sport specific skills)
SOCCER: e.g. ball control, passing, dribbling, shooting + tactics e.g. defence formation) - designed to elevate performance capacity prior to in-season
- AIMS: Improve/regain fitness through physical training to compete at optimal + reduce injury, technique, improve performance biomechanics, strategies + teach mental skills = prepare for demands of in-season
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- phases of competition (in-season)
- focus on performance
- training shifts its focus to strategy + tactical play while still maintaining skill + sport specific fitness levels
- Generally, marked by a reduction in training workloads that target general prep - more sport specific fitness + elevating technical + tactical skills e.g. strategic training based on attacking patterns of play
- Rehearsal of skills under pressure e.g. short passes in tight areas, ensure make plays despite pressure + fatigue
- Specifically work on required fitness components, highly specific skills practices/drills, conditioning, small games, grids + resistance work
- Aims: maintain stamina + fitness, practice tactics + strategies, comp experience + ensures/develops mental + physical prep for comps
- SOCCER: four macrocycles - last one prepares athlete to peak for finals - prior to peaking team will taper fitness session by reducing workload to recover injury + minimise chance of overtaining - anaerobic fitness needs to be maintained to meet demands of game
- Microcycles can be introduced (within macrocyles) to
ensure team prepared specifically for opposition + new tactics can be developed + practiced + also if fitness aspects need work e.g. speed + recovery
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- phases of competition (post-season)
- occurs once season is completed + is prior to commencement of pre-season
- transition phase - focuses on relaxation + recovery
- marked by a large reduction in training stressors, vol. + intensity or cease altogether (not a complete lay off of activity to prevent reversibility)
- allows athlete to physically + mentally recover (from intense comp before starting pre-season training)
- some athletes have surgery at this time
- may not be under direct control of their coach but they are required to maintain fitness for following season - active rest: reduced frequency, volume + intensity
e. g. cross-training or pilates or similar sports (futsal) - enable skill + fitness to be maintained without pressure of comp
- linking period = transition period serves to bridge b/w 2 macrocycles, annual training plans or multi-year training structures
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- subphases (macro + microcycles)
- used to break training year up into manageable chunks that join together to achieve long term goals
Macrocycle - larger training cycle + normally encompasses whole year; long term planning frameworks representing entire planning program
- Can be both larger or smaller depending on sport e.g. olympics = 4 year cycle in order to qualify + peak at olympics whereas footy player = single year cycle
- often set macrocycle goals they wish to achieve - used to guide training + planning in smaller subphases
Mesocycle - smaller chunk of time, can consists of a few wks or mths
- Often matches up with 3 phases of comp e.g. 1 mesocycle may be 4 wks of general pre-season training
- join together to create macrocycle
- Macrocycle goals broken up into smaller goals - be achieved during each mesocycle - allows for detailed planning + specific objectives to be achieved
Microcycle - Smallest cycle - often a single wk of a training program
- Used to focus on a singular aspect that adds together in order to achieve mesocycle goals which accumulate to achieve macrocycle goals
- Important for weekly comps as athlete or team prepare for next match
- Work as building blocks to create year long training program using periodisation - aim of refining specific skills, tactics or athletic needs
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- peaking
- periodisation allows athlete to peak at a predictable time, usually coinciding with an important comp (big state champs)
- Peaking = performing at absolute best during comp
- involves gradual increase in vol. + intensity with a short tapering period - allow physical + mental functioning to be optimised + allow heightened state of muscle glycogen stores, motivation + optimal arousal levels
- what must occur for peaking:
→ undergo intensive training to ensure body + relevant components of fitness are at highest
→ Undergo a large vol. of high intensity training that also seeks to develop skill execution + characteristics of skilled performer
→ just before comp training will taper down in order to allow nutrient levels to be at optimum levels + in order for athlete to fully recover from training before comp - Requires athlete to have the following to enable them to perform at best:
→ Great general body conditioning
→ Good sports specific conditioning
→ Great skill execution combined with strategy + tactics
→ Mentally focused + have optimum arousal levels
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- tapering
- reduction of training vol. + intensity just prior to comp in order to allow peaking to occur
- high vol. + intensity of training also causes impairments in performance
E.g. strength training + plyometrics cause small muscular tears = muscles producing less force + power - allows body to repair these normal small “injuries” by reducing training vol. + intensity → helps body to fully recover for optimal performance
- allows body to replace nutrient stores that have depleted as a result of high intensity + vol. training as stores never fully replenish - carbs, fats, proteins, v+m
- 2-4 wks prior to comp (allows repair but doesn’t cause such a large decrease in training that there is a reduction in training benefits such as CV endurance)
Planning a training year (periodisation)
- sport-specific subphases (fitness
components, skill requirements)
- essential to ensure required skill level + physical conditioning so physically ready for comp
- phases of comp require different approaches in order to effectively prepare athletes
- different physiological systems vary in their retention rate after training - by varying training loads as season progresses, desired adaptations = more likely to be achieved
- refer to selection of what is focused on during subphases of comp in order to cater specifically for relevant sport
- the prep phase begins with a general conditioning (aerobic based) program → this develops to later stages where emphasis is more focused on specific requirements of sport + on skill + strategy practices
- comp phase is marked by an emphasis on skill + strategy development while continuing with specific conditioning for sport → much of this achieved through intense skill practices + small-sided games
- each sport has specific components of fitness, skills, tactics an other variables → these differences require sport-specific subphases to be developed by trainers + coaches in order to best prepare athlete for comp
e. g. triathlete = larger focus on CV endurance than a 400m sprinter or netball player - will change throughout year as training moves through different phases of comp e.g. pre-season rugby league focuses on CV fitness + strength
- as year progresses in specific prep phase, differences in sport requirements in training grow + sport-specific subphases are developed
- further emphasised during comp phases as sports such as football = maintain CV endurance, speed + agility whilst focusing on skill development + team strategies + tactics, however, rower = time further developing CV endurance + smaller time on synchronisation + stroke technique
- each may have their own sport specific subphase in order to develop aspects of their game or skill that is lacking compared to others
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - Health and safety considerations
- H+S = first consideration = most important –> help protect wellbeing of athlete
- Training must be safe through use of protective/ appropriate equip /facilities
- nature of sport must also be considered e.g intensity + risk of injury e.g. collision
- if disregarded = injury e.g broken helmet = head injury, longer recovery phase, poor perf, impact mental + physical health
Some most consider: - current health of athletes (physio + psychological) + if any issues/ medical concerns/ previous conditions e.g. asthma = will influence training session volume + intensity = need to match skill + fitness levels
- equip, facilities + grounds should be maintained eg bats, pads, balls, fields = safe to use = by examining surface/equip prior to training = playing space + equip needs to be checked for suitability + safety
- should be a first aid kit on hand in case of injury
- extremity of weather must be considered e.g. lightning or rain = could create a hazard for injury or impair perf
- must be adequate shade + hydration available so athlete has potential for optimal health + safety during perf
- Ensure adequate warm up
- E.g. If an athlete is sick, suffering an injury, not in right state of mind for training = should not train = places health at risk
- Other: protective equip (mouthguards etc), clothing (correct footwear etc), safety gear (sunscreen, water etc), first aid kit, climate (lightning = cancelled)
- Recovery from training + comp = important H+S consideration
- Communication b/w athletes + coach + rehab staff ensures sessions are modified to meet needs of athlete, considering factors such as injuries, fatigue + muscle soreness
e.g. for an injured athlete if session = not modified injury could worsen leading to athlete being unable to play in a comp
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - providing an overview of the session to athletes (goal-specific)
- improves results of training as athletes know aim of training + how aim is to be achieved = athlete understands purpose of each activity + how should help them in comp
- overview should = brief +
allow athlete to prepare mentally/psychologically for session - assists w/ developing objs + goals for session = athletes
have focus. - e.g. during in-season coach may set obj of improving
defence for soccer team, due to poor defence in prev game - is important = allows
athlete to set session goals around training sets or the overall session - Ensures intentions of coach + expectations of players are clear
- allows for more effective feedback + sess evaluations
- allow athlete to know areas of weakness + how to improve their perf in that particular area
- Will be completed just prior to a warm-up, or even during warm-up
- Links activities w/ specific outcomes or goals for athletes
- Allows athlete to have input + provides a chance to conduct more formal aspects of training e.g. marking roles, checking on player injuries, reviewing latest comps + tactical discussions
- Usual focus = always on specific goals of session + how coach, w/ athletes intends to achieve goals
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - warm-up
WU+CD = essential parts of session = assist athlete to prepare mentally/ physically for ses + reduces risk of injury
- specific to activities being complete + muscles used (sport specific)
- consists of a general gross motor activity designed to work specific muscle groups to be used during ses
- benefit = body experiences increased blood flow/ movt around joints
- To complement warm-up = dynamic stretching also maybe PNF = enhances flexibility slightly but also enhances response of muscles eg increased muscle explosiveness
- Stretching esp lengthens + increases elasticity of muscles = allows for extended ROM + ability to reach further or longer strides = improving perf
- Often begin w/ general whole body, low intensity movts + become more specific throughout warm up
- Prepares body for ses, improving perf, which during training means improved physiological adaps + promoting safety in ses
- can include: calisthenic exe eg push-ups, sit-ups = increase blood circulation, skill rehearsal eg ball play + ups + back
- E.g. touch: dynamic → speed + agility → ball skills
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - cool down
- after training session → needs to be inclu = to speed up recovery + help ensure good physiological adaps occur
- Generally consists of low intensity movts using same muscle groups + body systems as were used during training session
- Goal = help remove waste products + fluid to decrease post exer oedema (swelling), lactic acid (reduce muscle acidity) + DOMS therefore fatigue
- Is a physiological recovery strategy = helps athlete recover + adapt to training
- assists w/ recovery + removal of waste products
after training ses - e.g. a soccer team walking three laps around oval after
training to reduce muscle soreness after a high-intensity, high-quality ses
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - Skill Instruction and practice
- involves athletes practising skills + improving game
strategies + tactics - needs to be brief so as not to reduce benefits attained by warm-up
- provides opp for coach to instruct on what to do during skill develop + practice
- essential if athletes are to improve biomechanical efficiency or correct poor tech
- Selection of SI + practice activities should be determined by athletes’ stage of skill acq
- e.g. Cognitive learners = benefit most from demo = shows correct tech, accuracy, smoothly - specifically, if complex skill = instructions should be distributed = done in parts (broken down) = decreases chance of injury + improves perf through more efficient movt e.g. in touch football, focus on passing before placing in a game sit
- SI = demonstration of skill = may be broken down into its various parts before being combined to perform entire complex skill
- needs to be clear in delivery giving specific + useful instruction + demo
- Best method for practicing skills = play sport e.g. modified games → used frequently to practice + teach skills → beneficial for child + effective at developing autonomous athlete
- various drills used to develop specific skills
- Drills = can be done using both massed or distributed practice, however most important for skill develop = frequent use
- E.g. catching/passing = rugby union, netball, AFL = sports that have a greater emphasis/variety of skill as opposed to health-related e.g. triathlete
- essential part of in-season training ses
- e.g. during in-season soccer players may perform skills + drills in comp + gamelike situations = important as improves performing skills under pressure similar to
in comp
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - Conditioning
- Conditioning includes development of fitness comps necessary for success in the sport.
- Base work required for sport = not just CV endurance
- Physiological adaps required for comp are attained through conditioning phase of training ses - brings body to desired state for use in sport
- This type of training largely occurs during pre-season/ prep phase → if sport has long comp phase, then reconditioning + maintenance of conditioning needs to occur (can be during season)
- Should be sport specific → timing, intensity + volume
- If done wrong → decrease athletic perf + increase risk of injury; poor condition = leaves athlete vulnerable to injury + leads to poor perf
- Good condition = help to prevent injury + improve perf
- Conditioning covers ALL components of fitness (health/ skill-related)
- E.g. required for rugby league includes high levels of CV, muscular endurance, good speed, muscular strength, power + coordination
- each component needs to be well developed for perf
- When considering a training ses = amount of time spent on conditioning should match requirements during comp + needs of athlete
- Generally 20+ mins = set aside during a training ses
- e.g. swimmer who specialises in 50m sprints will focus during in-season on developing alactic + lactic acid energy systems, reaction time, power, strength = important to assist with athlete peaking + being in top condition to perform at best
Elements to be considered when designing a training session - Evaluation
- is an appraisal of perfs after training ses has concluded (Recap/review)
- must happen at end of training = e.g. during cool down or after
- important for providing + receiving feedback
- e.g. at end of ses coach will ask athlete for perceived
rate of exertion to assess intensity of training ses = can be used to modify future ses to prevent overtraining + developing future workloads - Coach should re-address goals or aims of training ses
- Athletes given chance to provide feedback to coach on training, as well as coach provide feedback to athletes
- Will also include some planning for next ses + checking in with athletes
- a time to review training ses, but also to have further discussions w/ indiv or groups of athletes who need further attention, or further instructions
- After training ses → further evaluation should occur = completed by coach + training staff (maybe captain) = determine if ses was effective in achieving desired goals + plan for next training ses = more formal
- Key point to evaluation = focuses on achievement of goals + if further actions are needed to achieve them
- e.g. post soccer training team may have a debrief of skills developed during ses e.g. dribbling/passing + whether goals were met → coaches should offer athletes positive + constructive feedback to improve their perf potentially for their weekly comp = feedback can positively motivate players for next ses thus improving their perf
Planning to avoid overtraining
- Amount + intensity of training
- planning to avoid overtraining = improve performance as athlete is able to recover from training sessions + avoid injury
Amount + intensity of training
→ how often + how hard you train
→ particular forms of training e.g. strength require 48 hr for rest in order to recover + adapt appropriately
How to identify + avoid risks of overtraining - monitoring both the A+I of training undertaken = prevent symptoms
- athlete does high intensity training, in high vols → can affect recovery + prevents physiological adaptations from occurring
- ensuring adequate rest periods b/w sessions = more time for body to recover, reducing muscle soreness + chance of fatigued muscles becoming injured = poor performance + decreased motivation
- use of HR monitor = enable to observe intensity levels during training + vary activities if become too demanding
R/s b/w planning + avoidance of overtraining - Planning A+I = reduce risk
- large vols at high intensity = increased likelihood of overtraining
- some = higher or lower training stress levels e.g. poor diet + lack of sleep = lower A+I otherwise will not recover + may suffer from overtraining
Planning to avoid overtraining
- Physiological considerations e.g. lethargy, injury
- Every high intensity training session cause minor injuries to muscle cells
- usually micro tears (DOMS) + require time to heal
- not enough rest = small “injuries” are re-injured + become larger = muscular weakness = decreasing performance + strength
- lead to lethargy as constant low level pain wears athlete out
- lethargy: slowness, tiredness + lack of energy, hinder training + deterioration of performance
- Result of excessive training A+I without insufficient rest + relaxation periods
- Injury causes reversibility if unable to manage any training
- High intensity training session, or long or frequent training session deplete body of nutrients (carbs needed for exercise)
- also requires larger amounts of protein for recovery + adaptation - doesn’t get adaptation + recover don’t occur
- leads to lethargy = not enough energy in body to maintain training schedule + complete daily activities
- other considerations: abnormal muscle soreness + pain, heavy legged feeling, general inability to undertake workout, drop off in performance, reduced endurance capacity
Planning to avoid overtraining
- Physiological considerations e.g. lethargy, injury (QUESTIONS)
How to identify + avoid risks of overtraining
- When performance hindered by lethargy or repeated injury = sign of overtraining
- overtrained athlete = typically have an increase in musculoskeletal injuries, problems sleeping + a higher resting HR
- warning signs could be result of a training program that is too high in A+I intensity = constant muscle soreness
R/s b/w planning + avoidance of overtraining
- level of recovery, lethargy and injury
- training while lethargic = less concentration + focus = risk of poor technique + injury
- Also susceptible to an injury such as shin splints = need protective routines included in planning of training so it doesn’t get worse
- e.g.marathon runner who has an injury such as shin splints = planned to do water running every 4th training session + always ice their shins after training
- this planning of recovery sessions+ also recovery methods such as icing helps prevent shin splints caused by overtraining
Planning to avoid overtraining
- Psychological considerations e.g. loss of motivation
- overtraining = lack of motivation
- lose focus of goals + no longer want to do hard work to get there
- lethargy = lack of energy to train, while a lack of motivation is not wanting to train or compete
- often lethargy = lack of motivation → when body is tired + suffering frequent or constant pain, our emotions become elevated
How to identify + avoid risks of overtraining 17 - become bored with their sport, +/or lose motivation to perform at best = sign of overtraining
- lose concentration in performance, or lose comp drive to succeed
- may become anxious about performance, + lack confidence in ability to perform a skill e.g. pole vaulter who fails to attempt heights previously cleared easily
- prevention = variety = continue to enjoy sport + maintain concentration to detail in skill execution e.g. changing training venues to reinvigorate desire to win
- employing strategies e.g. relaxation + mental rehearsal = picture achieving success + ease anxiety levels prior to performance
R/s b/w planning + avoidance of overtraining 12 - overtraining = show signs such as: lack of motivation, poor concentration, becoming emotionally upset easily
- In planning training to help improve mental + emotional well-being = needs to include relaxation techniques, varied training envts, being positive, rest days e.g. when training loads = intense + high for a sprint cyclist they could cycle on road rather that the velodrome for a different setting = maintain motivation + interest
LEARN TO: Analyse overtraining by considering questions…
How much training is too much?
- dependant on: stress from work or family, med conditions, nutrition, sleep or use of recovery strategies - adjust training vol + intensity accordingly
- Should be athlete specific: training vol + intensity
- general rule: shouldn’t be completing high intensity training every day
- Better attention through periodisation charts
E.g. league player shouldn’t be developing strength, power, speed, agility + body composition all at same time
What do you do if you identify an overtrained athlete?
- reduce A+I of training sessions
- take complete break from training for a period of time in order to recover fully
- if identified early = simple change in FITT for training
- if after injury - rehab should take place, followed by testing before start training/comp
How can training be avoided?
- Maintaining good balance of A+I of training
- Planning a training year + ensuring regular rest periods (weekly + throughout yr)
- Including recovery sessions + skills or tactical training = reduces intensity + provides rest
- Coach + trainers monitor signs + symptoms of overtraining
How do you identify an overtrained athlete?
- Signs: frequent errors, poor performance (decreased endurance, strength, power, speed etc), illness/injury, poor technique, increased RHR, excessive thirst
- Symptoms: pain, lack of energy (lethargy), headaches, cramping, loss of appetite
- Signs: moody + irritable, responds poorly to criticism/on field banter, gives up when comp gets hard/abandons, struggles against opponents
- Symptoms: lack of motivation, depression, sensitive to criticism, confusion during comp
Justify factors a coach should consider to avoid overtraining
- A+I of training when structuring training program including gradual progression to prevent overtraining
→ periodisation - use of table = minimise risk of injury by manipulating loads + planning A+I effectively
→ intensity, volume, frequency - altered b/w sessions
→ rest/recovery - variety - strategies = adequately rest b/w session + games = time to recuperate + adapt to stresses = reduce lethargy + fatigue
→ monitor training loads - personal factors e.g. med condition, sleep patterns, use of drugs, nutrition, envt stress = prevent overtraining through well balanced program
- Physiological considerations
→ Lethargy, fatigue
→ injury - overuse, stress fracture, tendonitis - prevention = establish routines e.g. taping, use of protective equipment - avoids chronic injuries that = symptoms of overtraining
→ reduction in strength - Psychological considerations
→ motivation - when physical health under pressure so are emotional factors which influence ability = loss of motivation
→ anxiety
→ relaxation, variety - incorporating strategies into planning of training programs e.g. active rest, use of relaxation techniques, change of routine = avoid overtraining
Effectiveness of processes used to identify + manage an overtrained athlete
- A+I of training needs to be managed so that athlete can peak at right time of season e.g. in lead up to finals or national titles.
- If managed correctly, coach will have taken athlete through a process where they have cycled through high intensity training sessions + differing loads well in advance of major comp, so that athlete has solid base of strength + physical capacity developed
- coach = shared plan with athlete to give them a purpose + reason for need to train at high load, as well as allowing them to be a part of the partnership working towards the common goal e.g. win their event at national titles
- serve as a motivator for athlete, allowing them to see purpose behind increased training load
- increased training load = risk of injury
- if occurs = work with athlete + medical staff to manage treatment of injury + recovery = return to full strength + performance capabilities over time
- employ strategies e.g. counselling or sports psych = maintain motivation + attend rehab fully
- to ensure not suffering negative affect of heavy load - include face to face meetings or reflective questionnaires as part of training program - athlete give feedback about physical + mental feelings = can adjust loads + add variety to avoid loss of motivation
- if coach = successfully communicate annual training plan = good understanding of changes in load + requirements for year
- coach include blocks of high intensity + low intensity + skills + strength, power, endurance + maintaining fitness - coach needs to ensure athlete understand reasons for training so they can see purpose behind it