Fourniers Gangrene Flashcards
What is fourniers gangrene?
Form of necrotising fascilitis that affects the perineum - rare but a urological emergency
What is necrotising fascitis?
Group of rapidly spreading necrosis of subcutaneous tissue and fascia.
What can cause fourniers gangrene?
Mononmicrobial or polymicrobial infection - causative organism including Group A streptococcus, C.Perfringes and E.coli.
What are the anatomic barriers to the spread of infection in the perineum?
Dartos fasica of the penis and scrotum.
Colles fascia of the perineum and Scarpa fascia of the anterior abdominal wall.
As a result testes and epididymis are commonly not affected by fascitis.
What are the risk factors for fourniers gangrene?
DM Excess alcohol intake Poor nutritional state Excess steroid use Haematological malignancies Recent trauma to region
What are the clinical feature of fourniers gangrene?
Early stage - severe pain out of proportion to clinical signs or as pyrexia
Non-specific - until deterioration (‘not quite right for cellulitis’)
May have crepitus, skin necrosis and haemorrahgic bullae as condition progress with some sensory loss of overlying skin.
Rapidly deteriorate and septic and may enter septic shock
What may be the differential diagnosis for fourniers gangrene?
Testicular torsion
What are th investigations that may be ordered for fourniers gangrene?
Routine bloods
Blood cultures - incuding HbA1c for underlying DM
But all suspected cases based on clincial diagnosis should be taken for surgical exploration
CT imaging may be ordered - fasical swelling and soft tissue gas
What risk score may be used to diagnose necrotising fascitis on lab results alone?
Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotising Fascitis (LRINEC) - score ≥6
Not widely accepted
What is the management of fourniers gangrene?
Urgent sugical debridement
Tissue removed should be sent for histology and culture(MC&S) and any pus for fluid culture too.
Broad spec antibiotics and then taliored according to results of MC&S. Pt shoul be placed on HDU and further surgical relooks and debridement may berequired until pt free of necrotic tissue.
Skin grafts - early involvement of plastic surgeons