Four Flashcards
List 7 examples of congenital defects involving the larynx.
Absent Epiglottis
Bifid Epiglottis
Laryngeal Atresia
• Laryngeal Web
Laryngotracheoesophageal cleft
• Laryngomalacia
Subglottic stenosis
What kind of diagnostic tests are useful for laryngeal congenital defects and what kinds of things can be seen?
Physical Exam –
stridor, ?absence of larynx in neck
Direct –
may see lesion at intubation
Radiography –
non specific
Contrast Rad –
may see aspiration
Endoscopy –
abnormality seen well
– rigid endoscope preferred in LTE cleft
not generally helpful unless paralaryngeal mass
What is laryngeal atresia? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment?
Laryngeal atresia-larynx doesn’t form
symp: At birth, extreme respiratory distress with sternal and costal retractions w/o detectable airflow
Diag: usually post-mortem but possible during laryngeal intubation
Treatment-Emergency tracheostomy
What is laryngeal webs? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment?
Laryngeal webs-partial failure of recanalization of the larynx. Thin incomplete membrane with posterior glottis open.
symp: Depends on severity: neonates-stridor, weak cry, resp. distress Less severity (larger opening): Resp. distress w/ exercise or hoarseness.
Diag: laryngoscopy
Treatment-Depends on severity
What is laryngomalacia? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment?
Laryngomalacia-Supraglottic structures prolapse into the airway during inspiration (they’re floppy, less elastic-omega shaped epiglottis or large arytenoids
symp: Most common: Healthy child with a harsh inspiratory noise that differs with activity. High pitched fluttering.
More severe: Failure to thrive due to cyanosis and feeding difficulties.
Diag: Physical and exam
Treatment-Grow out of it in second year of life
If severe, surgery.
List 5 tracheal abnormalities.
- Tracheal Stenosis
- Tracheomalacia
Tracheal Atresia
- Tracheoesophageal Fistula
- Tracheal Bronchus
What diagnostic tests can be used for tracheal abnormalities? What can they find?
Physical Exam –
no cervical trachea, absent breath sounds, wheezing
Radiology – airway films
Contrast Radiograms –
work well but not usually necessary
Endoscopy –
lesion seen well + larynx evaluated at same time +
fixed lesions and distal extent of severe stenosis well
What is tracheal atresia?
Trachea doesn’t form. Always leads to death.
What is tracheal stenosis? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment?
Tracheal Stenosis: The C rings of the trachea wrap all the way around it so there is no posterior membrane. Can involve a short part or can involve a much longer section.
symp: First years of life-recurrent wheezing w/o responding to bronchodilators. Narrower stenosis=younger age. Nonspecific symptoms
Diag: Plain chest radiograph–>bronchoscopy and CT scan
Treatment-Short segment=excision
Longer segment=Slide tracheoplasty
What is tracheal bronchus? What are the symptoms? Treatment?
Tracheal Bronchus:Abnormal bronchus arising directly from the trachea usually in right upper lobe. May supply all or part of lobe or be an extra pathway to lobe.
symp: Usually an incidental finding. Generally asymptomatic but might have recurrent infection or atelectasis
Treatment-Lobectomy but only in the case of severe recurrent infections.
What is tracheomalacia? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment? What causes it/what are its associations?
Tracheomalacia: The C rings of the trachea are misshapen or don’t wrap all around trachea leading to increased flexibility of the posterior membrane. This leads to the trachea collapsing during respiration.
symp: During quiet breathing: Harsh central expiratory wheeze.
During forced expiration or cough: ant. and post. walls may touch leading to a characteristic harsh, barking sound
In cervical trachea: may lead to dynamic inspiratory collapse with stridor.
Associations/causes: Secondary: tracheoesophogeal fistulae, esophogeal atresia, CV anomalies, or external compression from other sources.
Primary: Premature infants, mechanical ventilation leads to stretching of the C rings.
Diag: Endoscopy as patient breathes spontaneously. Not with PA x-ray.
Treatment-Mild forms-Slow improvement with growth
Severe forms Tracheostomy with positive pressure support.
What is tracheoesophageal fistula? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment?
Tracheoesophogeal fistula: Abnormal anatomical connections b/w esophagus and trachea, usually w/ esophogeal atresia.
symp: Early in life: Feeding difficulties, drooling, and resp. distress. Possible abdominal distention. Proximal atresia—>aspirations. Should be suspected w/ recurrent aspirations when all other causes have been eliminated.
Diag: Proximal atresia: radiopaque feeding tube w/ chest x-ray. Contrast radiographic studies w/ care not to induce aspiration.
List 3 congenital defects that can occur in the bronchi?
Bronchial Stenosis
• Bronchogenic Cyst
Bronchial Atresia
How are bronchial congenital defects diagnosed? What exams are used and what findings are there?
Physical Exam –
focal abnormality in chest sounds
Radiology –
visible but often non specific
Contrast Radiology –
best definition of airways
Endoscopy –
proximal abnormalities are seen, aid with bronchogram,
helps to delineate extent of parenchymal involvement, cysts
What are bronchogenic cysts? What are the symptoms? Diagnostics? Treatment?
Bronchogenic cysts: thin-walled structures caused by
abnormal budding of respiratory tissue from the developing respiratory tract (Fig. 37.7). They can occur anywhere along the embryonic airways, including in paratracheal, subcarinal, and intrapulmonary locations. Cysts are often lined with respiratory mucosa (Chap. 2), including functional mucus-secreting cells.
Symptoms: Most bronchogenic cysts present in the second decade of life as an incidental finding on a chest x-ray done for other reasons. However, symptoms of cough, dyspnea, persistent wheeze, or recurrent infection can lead to their detection.
Diagnostics: On a chest radiograph, cysts appear as rounded masses that may cause airway compression observable by bronchoscopy. CT imaging demonstrates
most cysts as having well-demarcated borders with variable internal densities.
Treatment: Surgical therapy is curative, particularly
when well-circumscribed cystic lesions are involved that can be easily dissected from surrounding tissues.