Founders info Flashcards
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority to encouraged what?
scholarship through scientific literary, cultural, educational programs promote service projects on college campuses and in the community foster sisterhood; exemplify the ideal of Finer Womanhood
The Sorority’s principles are:
Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood (which has in times been referred to as Sisterly Love) Finer Womanhood
Arizona Leedonia Cleaver (Stemons)
first Basileus of Alpha Chapter
first Grand Basileus Emerita (highest honor) of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Born in 1898 in Pike County, Missouri
educated in the public schools of Hannibal, Missouri
graduate and post-graduate studies were pursued at Howard University(teaching) and the Pennsylvania School of Social Work
first professional employment resulted in teaching at the
same Hannibal High School from which she graduated.
wife of James Samuel Stemons, activist, author, and son of former slaves on June 1, 1928.
Life Member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority and held membership with Beta Delta Zeta Chapter in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1943, Founder Stemons proceeded with the
implementation of her desire to establish a graduate chapter in the Philadelphia area
first meeting of the Beta Delta Zeta
October 14, 1944
ALCS quote
‘Let’s establish a new sisterhood, then to see it
grow from the five girls to the present status, indeed gives me quite a thrill. Yet, I am humble and
grateful that so many have been and still are willing to go the Zeta way.”
ALCS triumphant life ended
March of 1980, and she is buried in Eden Cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Delaware County)
Pearl Anna Neal
Life Member and affiliated with Rho Zeta Chapter in Winston-Salem, North Carolina
born October 10, 1900 in Charlotte, North Carolina in Mecklenburg County
degree of excellence in music and attended the Lincoln Academy in Kings Mountain, North Carolina
Howard University where she earned a degree in Music
master’s degree in Music from Columbia University in New York in 1938, thus becoming the first Black woman in this state to earn this degree.
continued further study at the Juilliard School of Music in New York.
PAN career
Founder Neal began her career in the field of education in Americus, Georgia, teaching briefly in
Crockett, Texas. She ended her career in the Winston-Salem Schools in 1966. Founder Neal was
extremely active in church and community activities.
PAN triumphant life ended
January 31, 1978, and she is buried in York
Memorial Park in Charlotte, North Carolina
Viola Tyler (Goings)
born on August 29, 1899 on her family’s farm near Flushing, Ohio in Belmont County.
she became a coed at Howard University with a teaching degree taught in Smithfield, North Carolina and later accepted the position as Assistant Principal at the Cambridge High School in Cambridge, Maryland
1922-1923 she married Frederick Douglass Goings, Sr. and the couple later settled in Springfield, Ohio of Dorchester County, where she served as a teacher and community servant for many years.
Her daughter, Wynona Kidd, became an Honorary
Member of Zeta at the 2019 International Executive Board Meeting in The Bahamas. Respecting the Legacy of their grandmother, Founder Tyler, her two granddaughters became Zetas, Kyra Hardiman (1970) and Deborah Hill (1968).
VTG quote
“There is a Zeta in a girl regardless of race, creed, or color, who has high standards of principles, a good scholarly average, and an active interest in all things that
she undertakes to accomplish.”
VTG triumphant life ended
March 9, 1983 and she is buried in Ferncliff
Cemetery in Springfield, Ohio.
Myrtle Lavenia Tyler (Faithful) (1st legacy because they are sisters)
the second International Grand Basileus of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Life Member, and blood sister to Founder Viola Tyler Goings.
Born November 7, 1901, Founder Faithful, like her sister, was born on the family farm near Flushing, Ohio
At Howard, she was the secretary of her class, vice president of the Western Reserve Club, and assistant editor of the yearbook.
she taught mathematics at Bates High School in Annapolis, Maryland until she gave up teaching.
Returning to Flushing in 1925, she married Roscoe Conklyn Faithful. The couple settled in Maryland and raised two daughters (Geraldine Lavenia Faithful Desbordes ofBaltimore, Maryland and Frances Elaine Faithful of Flint, Michigan), both of whom are members of
Zeta Phi Beta
In 1958, Founder Myrtle Tyler Faithful was present as her daughter, Frances, became a charter member of Zeta Beta Zeta Chapter in Flint, Michigan.
taught in the Anne Arundel Public School System and maintained an active interest in community affairs. For a time she taught eighth-grade mathematics at a school in Cadiz, Ohio, and was a Red Cross volunteer before moving to Jamaica, NewYork, after the death of her husband in 1965.
She later moved to Towson, MD in 1976. During her years there, Founder Faithful was an active member of Alpha Zeta Chapter in Baltimore, Maryland.
MLTF quote
“One of the happiest moments I have spent with Zetas was when the Five Founders met as guests of the Delta Alpha Zeta Chapter of Brooklyn, New York, at their Founders’ Day Dinner in 1952. What a wonderful reunion we had. It is that bond of sisterly love in Zeta Women that unites us and makes us grow.”
MLTG triumphant life ended
succumbed to pneumonia at Greater Baltimore Medical Center on April 21, 1993, and she is buried in Arbutus Cemetery in Baltimore, MD
Fannie Pettie (Watts)
Life Member and held membership with Delta Alpha Zeta Chapter
credited with organizing both Delta Alpha Zeta and Omicron Beta Chapters, both in Brooklyn, New York.
born on December 20, 1899 Perry, Georgia.
public schools in Savannah, Georgia and continued her formal training at Georgia State College
graduated from Howard University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education
pursued post-graduate studies in social work and in
housing at New York University worked as a Social Investigator for the Department of Social Services in Brooklyn, New York and served as Director of the Cradle Roll Division of Brooklyn’s Nazarene Congregational Church. She devoted herself to uplifting youth and rendering community service.
FPW triumphant life ended
August 22, 1995 in Brooklyn, New York. Brooklyn side of the Evergreens (kings county)