Who was the first person to give a practical and political focus to philosophy and ethics.
He believed, to the contrary of many around him, that the most applicable questions that philosophy had to deal with are related to how people should live mutually in communities and states.
He believed that no person could willingly decide to do something damaging or harmful if they were completely aware of the value of life.
He looked for principles and actions worth living by, creating an ethical base upon which decisions should be made
Beginning his early youth, he had been fascinated by political affairs.
He believed that only those who possessed scholarly and ethical qualities should be trusted with the control to rule above others.
a person must study themselves to find out their level of character. He believed that personal development and personal insight is the only means to reveal the gifts that God has given everyone.
He was famous for his discussions on the subject of reality.
Who said that “More will be accomplished, and better, and with more ease, if every man does what he is best fitted to do, and nothing else.”
he is chiefly interested in the ethical principles of leadership.
______ was the most practical and business-oriented of all philosophers
_______ was a great biologist as well as a great philosopher.
is one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy
Immanuel Kant
Aristotle’s philosophy influenced _____________ and ___________’s _____________ Theory, which suggests that employees will work harder for a company and perform better if given tasks they find meaningful and morally worthwhile.
Edward Deci
Richard Ryan’s
Self Determination Theory
He says that the leader’s ethical role in the establishment of the conditions under which followers can attain their full potential and enhance their own power.
He was a German philosopher who advances the theory of deontology or deontological ethics, which is the theory of duty and obligation
this system maintain that an action can be morally right even if an alternative action in a given situation would have better overall consequences
Deontological ethical systems
calls principles that are universally binding as a categorical imperative
two (2) kinds of a proposition and Explain
categorical proposition - is a direct assertion or denial of something.
hypothetical proposition - is more complex because the truth of one part is dependent on the truth of the other part.
Who said “The sad truth is that it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong”
Jeremy Bentham
Who said “A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case, he is justly accountable to them for the injury.”
John Stuart Mill
He is primarily known today for his moral philosophy, especially his utilitarianism principle, which evaluates actions based upon their consequences.
Jeremy Bentham
He profoundly influenced the shape of nineteenth-century British thought and political discourse.
John Stuart Mill
_____________ fundamental insight is that outcomes matter, and so we should decide what to do by considering the overall consequences of our actions. In this sense, ___________ has been called a ____________ approach to ethics and social policy:
Types of utilitarianism and Explain
Rule utilitarianism – Put in place to benefit the most people by using the fairest methods possible.
Act utilitarianism – Makes the most ethical actions possible for the benefit of the people.