Foundations of Research Methods Flashcards
What is research?
A type of systematic investigation that is empirical in nature and is designed to contribute to public knowledge.
What are the steps of research?
Step 1: The Problem Step 2: Sample Step 3: Measure Step 4: Design Step 5: Analyze Step 6: Conclude
What parts make up the theory of research?
External Validity
Construct Validity
Internal Validity
Conclusion Validity
What parts make up the practice of research?
What is the research enterprise
The macro-level effort to accumulate knowledge across multiple empirical systematic public research projects (broader and cross-project based).
What is translational research?
The systematic effort to move research from initial discovery to practice and ultimately to impacts on our lives. (i.e. translating the discovery to practical use)
Includes: Basic Research Applied research Implementation & Dissemination research Policy research Impact research
What is the research-practice continuum?
The process of moving from an initial research idea or discovery to practice, and the potential for the idea to influence our lives or the world. (translation occurs during this process).
What is basic research?
Research that is designed to generate discoveries and to understand how the discoveries work. (remember: more theoretical study)
What is applied research?
Research where discovery is tested under increasingly controlled conditions in real-world contexts. (remember: real world study)
What is implementation and dissemination research?
Research that assesses how well an innovation or discovery can be distributed in and carried out in a broad range of contexts that extend beyond the original controlled studies.
If it survives applied research testing this process sees if it can be implemented and disseminated to a broad range of contexts)
What is research impact?
Research that assesses the broader effects of a discovery or innovation on society. (what is the impact on larger society/context)
What is policy research?
Research that is designed to investigate existing policies or develop and test new ones. (social change)
What is research synthesis?
A systematic study of multiple prior research projects that address the same research question/topic & that summarizes results in a manner that can be used by practitioners. (putting together different results from various research studies - helps to get a broader view)
Type of research synthesis that uses statistical methods to combine the results of similar studies quantitatively in order to allow general conclusions be made. (remember: statistics, quantitative)
Systematic Review
A type of research synthesis that focuses on a specific question or issue and uses preplanned methods to identify, select, assess, and summarize the findings of multiple research studies.
(might involve meta-analysis…panel of experts discuss the research literature and reach conclusion s about how well a discovery works to address a problem).