Foundations of Language Learning Flashcards
Language used in school for teaching & learning subjects such as math, science, language arts & history.
Precise, clear & complete.
Requires higher order thinking processes such as predicting, evaluating, & comparing
Academic Language
Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills. ELs develop in about 2-3 years
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency. ELs develop in 5-7 years
Jim Cummins- BICS & CALP
Deliberately changing from one manner of style of speaking to another. People often consciously & deliberately consider the social meaning of their speech when they change from one manner of speaking to another, according to their circumstances in order to give an appropriate impression .
Concepts & cognitive processes underlying first language use are available for use in the second language
CUP Common Underlying Proficiency- Cummins
Unified core of cognitive-linguistic knowledge.
Explains how knowledge developed in one language becomes available for use in the language learned later.
Beneficial (positive)- when language share similar rules
Negative- Spanish literate students need explicit help on the vowel sounds & various spellings in English
Children who learn more than one language from earliest childhood
Simultaneous Bilinguals
Those who learn another language later
Sequential Bilinguals
Second language learners develop interim linguistic systems that exhibit their own evolving rules & patterns
Interlanguages exhibit identifiable rules & patterns
Gradually grow over time to look more like the target lanaguage
Some features in a learner’s language seem to stop changing
Researchers identify ___ for each morpheme, that is, the places in a sentence where the morpheme is necessary to make the sentence grammatically correct.
Obligatory Contexts
Reflects the apparent ease with which learners have access to certain structures in the target language.
Accessibility Hierarchy