Foundations of Catholicism Quiz 4 Flashcards
Sheed explained that the Word God utters is a Word in the mind of God, an _______ God has of himself.
“God’s idea of himself is not something only: _______________________________________________”.
it is Someone, for it can know love
According to Sheed, “[i]n the Son, the Father utters his self-knowledge; in the Holy Spirit, _____________
Father and Son utter their mutual love
Sheed points out that in the Trinity the Second Person proceeds from the First Person but the Third, the Holy Spirit, proceeds from the ___________________________.
Father and the Son
According to Sheed, “spirated” simply means ________.
Why does Sheed say that it is appropriate that the Holy Spirit is called “the Lord and giver of life”?
the link between life and love is not hard to see. For love is total self-giving, and so a giving a life.
According to Sheed, “there is no element whatever of contingency in the existence of the second person; there is ________ but no ___________.”
origin, dependence
What concept or theological term is Sheed referring to when he states, “the attribution of operations to one or other person must not blind us to the reality that in all these operations all three persons are at work?”
What does Sheed say is the supreme mystery of our religion?
The Trinity
According to Sheed, the notion of mystery “does not mean a truth that we cannot know anything about,
a truth we cannot know everything about
What answer does Sheed offer for reconciling eternal suffering with a loving God or human freedom with God’s omniscience?
We cannot see the whole, but we know God is all wise and all-good.
What answer does Sheed give to the question “of what God’s life consists”?
the infinite interflow of knowing and loving among three who are one
Sheed contends that the sufficient reason or principal reason for giving our whole mind to the doctrine of the Trinity is that it is the ________ about God.
According to Sheed, why is God not doomed to love without ever finding an adequate object of His love?
In Son and Holy Spirit infinite love is infinitely accepted and infinitely returned.
What example does Sheed give of how knowledge of the three persons of the Trinity enriches our awareness of what is meant by ourselves being made in God’s image?
We’re not only a unit of body and spirit, but we are also a social being.
What does Sheed say is the secret of the divine community?
infinite giving