Foundations Flashcards
What type of program is CrossFit?
Core strength and conditioning program
What are the 10 Fitness domains?
Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy
CrossFit’s program focusing on what?
Neuroendocrine response, developing power, cross training with multiple training modalities, constant training and practice with functional movements, and the development of successful diet strategies
CrossFit focuses on what types of movements?
Compound movements and shorter high intensity cardiovascular sessions.
How does good functional movements recruit muscle? (where does recruitment begin)
From core to the extremities
What is the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary definition of an athlete?
“a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina”
What is CrossFit’s definition of an athlete?
“a person who is trained or skilled in strength, power, balance and agility, flexbility and endurance.
Aerobic activites are of what duration? Examples?
Greater than 90 seconds.
-20 min of treadmill, swimming, watching TV
Anaerobic activites are of what duration? Examples?
Less than 2 minutes and involve mdoerate to high power output or intensity.
-100 meter sprint, squatting, doing pull ups
There are two types of anaerobic systems. What are they?
- Phosphagen (phosphocreatine)
2. Lactic acide (glycolytic)
What are the two Olympic lifts?
- Clean and jerk
2. Snatch
Practicing the Olympic lifts teaches one to apply force to muscle groups in proper sequence. What is that sequence?
From the center of the body to it’s extremities (core to extremity)
What is the most important marker for cardiovascular fitness?
Maximum oxygen uptake
Gymnastics relies on what for resistance?
Body’s own weight.
What is Neuroendocrine adaption?
Is a change in the body that affects you either neurologically or hormonally
Define Power.
Define power in simple terms as well
“time rate of doing work”
-simple term, “hard and fast”
Heavy load weight training, short rest between sets, high heart rates, high in tensity training and short rest intervals, are all associated with what kind of neuroendocrine response?
Define intensity
What is the CrossFit dietary prescription?
30% protein: lean
40% carbs: low glycemic
30: fat: whole food sources
Total calories should be based on protein needs, which should be set at between __ and __g of protein
.7 and 1 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass
In plain english, what should I eat?
Base your diet on garden vegetables (especially greens), meats, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar
High glycemic foods do what? Give examples
They raise blood sugar too rapidly. Examples: rice, bread, candy, potato, sweets, sods and most processed carbs
What is the problem with high glycemic carbohydrates?
In excess, they give an excessive insulin response. Too much can lead to hyperinsulinism, what is linked to obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, blood pressure, mood dysfunction and other diseases and disabilities.
What are the 4 differet models that CrossFit uses for evaluting and guiding fitness?
- The 10 General Physical Skills- evalutes effords against a full range of general physical adaptations
- The Hopper: breadth and depth of performance
- The Metabolic Pathways: time, power and consequently energy systems
- Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum: health markers
What is the time duration for Phosphagen? Glycolytic? Oxidative? What is the work:recovery ratio?
Phosphagen: Short, less than 10-30s. 1:3
Glycolytic: Medium, less than 30-120s. 1:2
Oxidative: Long, greater than 120-300s. 1:1
What is CrossFit’s Second Fitness Model? Explain
The Hopper
- Performing well at any given task
- Requires you to have the ability to perform well at ALL tasks, even unfamiliar tasks and tasks combined in infinitely varying combinations.
What is CrossFit’s Third Fitness Model? Explain
The Metabolic Pathways
Phosphagen: Short, less than 10 sec
Glycolytic: Medium, less than 120 sec
Oxidative: Long, greater than 120sec
What is CrosFit’s Fourth Fitness Model? Explain
Sickness-Wellness-Fitness Continuum
It’s a measurable scale to determine ones health . The theory being that the way we live our lives determines where we sit on the graph. We can adjust our lives to move us further into the “fitness” zones and away from the “sickness” zones.
We should all strive to live our lives in between “wellness” and “fitness”. The further into the “fitness” zone we are, the less likely we are to develop life altering, life limiting illnesses.
The method by which we use anaerobic efforts to develop aerobic conditioning is called what?
Interval Training: It’s the key to developing the cardivascular system without losing strength, speed and power
What are the 3 waves of adaptation to endurance training?
1st: increased maximal oxygen consumption
2nd: increased lactate threshold
3rd: increased efficiency
What two movements are the key to developing the muscle-up?
Pull ups and dips
What is the L hold?
Holding your trunk straight while supported by locked arms with hands on a bench, the floor or parallel bars; the hips are kept at 90 deg with legs straight out in front of you.
The Olympic lifts are based on what 4 movements?
deadlift, clean, squat and jerk
Powerlifting is the sport of what 3 lifts?
Bench press, squat and deadlit
A theoretical hierarchy exists for the development of an athlete. What makes up the hierarchy?
Top: Sport Weightlifting and Throwing Gymnastics Metabolic Condition Bottom: Nutrition
Power is ____x ____/______
Force x distance (work) divided by time
There are three meaningful components to analysis of a fitness program. What are they?
Safety: how many people end up at the finish line
Efficacy: “what is the return?”
Efficiency: the time rate of that adaption (efficacy). If a program advertises that it can delivery 50 pullups. What is the time frame? Big diffference between siz months and nine years.
Where is insulin produced?
For HDL cholesterol, what is a bad number? good?
Bad: 35mg/dL
Nice: 50mg/dL
Much better: 75 mg/dL
____ + _____= Health
Fitness + Luck (bad) = Health
How many grams of protein, carb and fat equal out to 1 block ? (zone diet)
7g of protein
9g of carbs
3g of fat
What is a block in regards to the Zone Diet?
A block is a unit of meausre used to simplify the process of making balanced meals.
What is the method to calcuate one’s block prescription?
Zone block prescription = lean body mass (lb) x activity level (g/lb of lean body mass) / 7 (g protein/block)
For the zone block prescription, the activity level ranges on a scale of what?
0-1. For those that work out seveal days a week and do not have a labor intensive job, the activity level should be .7 (most crossfit athletes)
What does fish oil provide?
Provides omega 3 fatty acids, which are a type of polyunsaturated fat.
The two types of polyunsaturated fats found most frequently in foods are what?
Omega 3 and omega 6 fats
Omega 3 fats are known as what kind of fats?
Anti inflammatory
Omega 6 fats are known as what kind of fats?
Pro inflammatory
What are the 3 types of fatty acids?
Saturated (most stable. Coconut oil, butter) and Monounsaturdated (less stable. Olive oil, avocado)
Polyunsaturated (least stable)
Current diets tend to have too many omega 6 fats. What is the current ratio between omega 6 and 3?
20:1. Meaning we consume more omege 6 which is pro-inflammatory
Fish oil provides two types of omega 3 fatty acids. What are they?
EPA :eicosaphentaenoic acid
DHA: docosahexaenoic acid
The template macro view (work day/rest day ratio) it based on the rotation of 3 distinct modalities. What are they?
Metabolic conditioning, gymnastics and weightlifting
For the 2 day element, the structure is typically what?
A couplet of exercises performed alternately until repeated for a total of 3-5 rounds performed for time. “task priority)
For the 3 day element, the structure is typically what?
A triplet of exercises, this time repeated for a specified number of minutes and scored by number of rotations or repetitions completed. “time priority”
CrossFit’s charter for creating the most optimal balance of safety, efficacy, and efficiency is what?
Mechanics, consistency, then and only then intensity
When scaling workouts, the main principle to follow is?
“Preserve the stimulus”
Two factors need to be scaled for every beginner. What are they?
Intensity and volume. It’s common to reduce intensity and/or volume by half for at least two weeks
How can intensity be modified?
Load, speed and/or power
Volume can be lowered by reducing what?
Time, reps/rounds and/or distance
When determining movement substitutions, what needs to be considered? (4 items)
- Whether the movement is driven by lower or upper body
- The movement function: push vs pull
- The ROM
- The plane of movement