Foundations Flashcards
Is 0 considered to be in the Natural Numbers?
What is the Axiom of Extension?
Suppose that X and Y are sets and that for any x∈X we have x∈Y and for any y∈Y we have y∈X, then X=Y.
Define a subset.
Suppose X is a set and for any x∈X we have x∈Y, then we call X a subset of Y, denoted X⊂Y.
If X and Y are not equal, X is a proper subset of Y.
What is a singleton?
A set with one element.
What is a function?
A function f:X->Y consists of the following:
-A domain X
-A codomain Y
-A rule f which for every x∈X gives an element f(x)∈Y.
What is the identity function?
The function that maps x to itself
ie. Id(x) = x
What is an injection, surjection and bijection?
Suppose that X and Y are sets and f:X->Y is a function, then:
-Suppose that for every x,x’∈X, if f(x)=f(x’) then x=x’, we call f injective
-Suppose that for every y∈Y, there is some x∈X so f(x)=y, we call f surjective.
Suppose that f is both injective and surjective, we call f bijective.
What is cardinality and when is a set finite.
Cardinality is the number of elements in a set.
If f:X->Y is a bijective function the X and Y have the same cardinality, denoted |X|=|Y|
A set X is finite if |X|= n for some n∈N
What is Cantor’s Theorem?
Suppose the X is a set and f is a function f:X->P(X) from X to its power set, then f is not a surjection.
What is an ordered pair?
Suppose that X and Y are sets. Suppose that x, x′ ∈ X
and y, y′ ∈ Y are elements. Then an ordered pair (x, y) contains x and y, in that order.
Two ordered pairs (x, y) and (x′, y′) are equal if and only if x = x′ and y = y′.
If (x, y) is an ordered pair then we call x its first entry and y its
second entry.
What is the set of ordered pairs from two sets?
Suppose that X and Y are sets. Then the collection
of all ordered pairs with first entry from X and second from Y is
X × Y = {(x, y) ∣ x ∈ X, y ∈ Y } and is called the cartesian product of X and Y .
What is a relation?
A relation R from X to Y consists of the following.
● A set X, called the domain.
● A set Y , called the codomain.
● A subset of X × Y .
If X = Y then we say that R is “a relation on X”. If (x, y) is an element of R we may denote this by writing xRy.
The empty set is a subset of X × Y ; this gives the empty relation.
Likewise X × Y is a subset of itself; this gives the universal relation.
When X = Y then the set {(x, y) ∈ X^2 ∣ x = y} gives the identity relation on X.
When is a relation graphical?
Suppose that X and Y are sets. A relation G from X to Y is graphical if for every x ∈ X there is exactly one y ∈ Y so that (x, y) lies in G.
Is a function a relation?
A function f∶ X → Y is a relation G, from X to Y , which is graphical. If (x, y) lies in G then we write f(x) = y
What is a list?
Suppose that A is a set. Suppose that n is a natural number. A list L is a function L∶ [n] → A. We call n the length of the list L. We also say that the elements of L are taken from A.
State the known Union qualities?
(1) X ∪ ∅ = X (identity)
(2) (X ∪ Y ) ∪ Z = X ∪ (Y ∪ Z) (associativity)
(3) X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X (commutativity)
(4) X ⊂ Y if and only if X ∪ Y = Y (absorption)
(5) X ∪ X = X (idempotent)
State the known Intersection qualities?
(1) X ∩ ∅ = ∅ (annihilator)
(2) (X ∩ Y ) ∩ Z = X ∩ (Y ∩ Z) (associativity)
(3) X ∩ Y = Y ∩ X (commutativity)
(4) X ⊂ Y if and only if X ∩ Y = X (absorption)
(5) X ∩ X = X (idempotent)
What is set difference?
Suppose that X and Y are sets. The collection X − Y = {x ∈ X ∣ x ∉ Y } is called the set-theoretic difference of X and Y .
What is the link between a function being injective/surjective and inverses?
Suppose that X and Y are non-empty sets. Suppose that
f∶ X → Y is a function. Then we have the following.
(1) f is injective if and only if f has a left inverse.
(2) f is surjective if and only if f has a right inverse.
(3) f is bijective if and only if f has an inverse. In this case the
inverse is unique.
Suppose that X, Y , and Z are sets. Suppose that f∶ X → Y and g∶ Y → Z are functions. Then we have the following.
(1) If f and g are injective then so is g ○ f.
(2) If f and g are surjective then so is g ○ f
What is an iteration?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that f is a function
on X. Then we define
(1) f^(0) = IdX and
(2) for any n ∈ N we define f^(n+1) = f ○ f^(n).
We say that f^(n) is the n-th iterate of f.
What is an orbit?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that f is a function
on X. Then for any x ∈ X we define
Of (x) = {f^(n)(x) ∣ n ∈ N}
We call Of (x) the forward orbit of x under f.
What is the Cantor-Schroder-Bernstein Theorem?
Suppose that X and Y are sets. Suppose that f∶ X → Y and g∶ Y → X are injections. Then there is a bijection h∶ X → Y .
What does it mean for a relation to be Reflexive, Symmetric and Transitive?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that R ⊂ X2 is a relation on X.
● Suppose that, for all x ∈ X, we have xRx. Then we say that R is reflexive.
● Suppose that, for all x, y ∈ X, we have that xRy implies yRx. Then we say that R is symmetric.
● Suppose that, for all x, y, z ∈ X, we have that xRy and yRz implies xRz. Then we say that R is transitive.
What is an Equivalence Relation?
Suppose that X is a set. A relation on X is an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
What does it mean for a relation to be Antisymmetric?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that R is a relation on X. Then R is antisymmetric if, for all x and y in X we have
● if xRy and yRx then x = y.
What is a Partial Order?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that R is a relation on X. If R is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive, then R is a partial order
What is a Total Relation?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that R is a relation on X. We say that R is a total relation if, for all x and y we have xRy or yRx.
What is a Total Order?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that R is a relation on X. We say that R is a total order if it is reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive, and total.
What is a Partition?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that P ⊂ P(X) has the following properties:
● If P’ ∈ P then P’ is non-empty.
● X = ⋃(P’∈P) P’.
● If P’, Q ∈ P then either P’ = Q or P’ ∩ Q = ∅.
Then we call P a partition of X. The elements P’ ∈ P are called the parts of the partition.
What is an Equivalence Class?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that E is an equivalence relation on X. Suppose that x lies in X. We define the set [x]E = {y ∈ X ∣ xEy} to be the equivalence class of x.
How are Equivalence Classes related to Partitions?
Suppose that X is a set. Suppose that E is an equivalence relation on X. Then the quotient X/E (the set of all equivalence classes) is a partition of X.
Proof. We must verify that {[x]E ∣ x ∈ X} is a partition of X.
Since E is reflexive we have that x lies in [x]E. Thus [x]E is nonempty. Also, since this holds for all x we have that X = ⋃x∈X[x]E.
Suppose that x and y lie in X. If [x]E is disjoint from [y]E then
there is nothing left to show. So suppose that z lies in [x]E ∩[y]E. Thus
xEz and yEz. By symmetry we have zEy. By transitivity we have
xEy. Suppose now that w is any element in [y]E. Thus yEw. Since
xEy, by transitivity we have xEw. Thus [y]E ⊂ [x]E.
The same argument, swapping x and y throughout, proves that
[x]E ⊂ [y]E. From Lemma 1.16 implies [x]E = [y]E, as desired.
What does it mean for two numbers to be congruent modulo n?
Suppose that a, b, and n are integers. We say that a and b are congruent modulo n if there is some integer k so that a = b+kn. That is, a − b is a multiple of n.
How does modular addition, multiplication and negation work?
Suppose that n is an integer. We call [0]n and [1]n the zero and one of Z/nZ. Suppose that a and b are integers. We define the following operations on Z/nZ.
● [a]n + [b]n = [a + b]n (addition)
● [a]n × [b]n = [a × b]n (multiplication)
● −[a]n = [−a]n (negation)
What is a Boolean and Boolean Operator?
A boolean is an element of the set B = {T,F}.
Suppose that n is a natural number. Suppose that B = {T,F}. Recall that Bn is the cartesian product of B with itself, n times. We call a function f∶Bn → B a boolean operator. The number n is called the arity of f.
What are the Basic Boolean Operators?
(¬, ∨, ∧, →, and ↔)
-NOT, OR, AND are all normal
For two booleans P and Q
P Q (P→Q) (P↔Q):
What two basic boolean operators can any other operator be written in terms of?
Any boolean operator can be written as a composition of the operators ¬ and ∨.
What is a Tautology?
Suppose that n is a natural number. Suppose that B = {T,F}. Suppose that f∶Bn → B is a boolean operator. We call f a tautology if f(x) = T for all x ∈ Bn. We call f an antinomy if f(x) = F for all x ∈ Bn.
How many primes are there?
Theorem 14.2. There are arbitrarily large primes.
Proof of Theorem 14.2. Recalling the discussion of Section 13.1, we begin by fixing a natural number n. We now must find a prime p larger than n.
Let P be the set of primes less than or equal to n. We know the set P is finite. So let (pi)^k−1,i=0
be the list of elements of P, say in order of size. We define N to be one, plus the product of these primes. That is:
N = 1 + p0 ⋅ p1 ⋅ p2 ⋅ ⋯ ⋅ pk−1
Suppose that p lies in P. Thus N is congruent to one modulo p. In particular N is not divisible by p.
We know that every natural number is divisible by some prime so the natural number N is divisible by some prime, say q. We deduce that q does not lie in P. From the definition of P we deduce that q is greater than n.
How are natural numbers divisible by primes?
Suppose that n is a natural number greater than one. Then n is divisible by some prime.
Proof. Suppose that n is a natural number, greater than one. Let S be the set of divisors of n which are greater than one. That is,
S = {k ∈ N ∣ k > 1 and k divides n}
Note that n lies in S, so S is not empty.
Applying the well-ordering principle, let s be a least element of S. If s is prime we are done. So, for a contradiction, suppose that s is not prime. So s is divisible by some natural number t strictly between one and s. Since divisibility is transitive, we deduce that t lies in S. So s was not a least element of S, a contradiction.
What is the Well-Ordering Principle?
Suppose that S is a subset of N. If S is non-empty, then S has a least element.
Are prime factorisations unique?
Suppose that n is a natural number, greater than zero. Then n has a unique factorisation into primes.
What is the Pigeon-hole Principle?
-If there are more pigeons than holes, and
-If every pigeon is in some hole, then
There some hole contains two or more pigeons.
Suppose that n is a natural number. Suppose that
f∶ [n] → [n + 1] is a function. Then f is not a surjection.
Proof by induction
What does it mean for a number to be prime and when are two numbers coprime?
We say p is a prime number if it has exactly two factors, 1 and p (so 1 is not a prime number).
If the highest common factor of a and b is 1, then a and b are said to be coprime.
How does the HCF and LCM of two numbers multiply?
Suppose a, b ∈ N then we have
hcf(a, b) × lcm(a, b) = a × b.
Proof. Let h = hcf(a, b) a so a = hm and b = hn for some m, n ∈ N where m and n
are coprime (using unique factorisation into primes). So lcm(a, b) = mnh. Now compute
a × b = hm × hn = h × (nmh) this is precisely hcf(a, b) × lcm(a, b) as required.
How can any integer be written as a division with remainder?
Theorem 18.8. If a ∈ Z and b ∈ N∗ then ∃! r, q ∈ Z such that a = bq + r where 0 ≤ r < b. I.e. divide a by b gives q times a plus remainder term r.
Proof. Fix b ∈ N∗, prove existence of q, r by induction on a. P(a) is the statement ”there exists q, r such that a = qb + r where 0 ≤ r < b”. We can assume b > 1 since if b = 1 then a = ab so q = a and r = 0 so we are done.
P(1) is true since we can choose q = 0 and r = 1 < b and 1 = 0b + 1.
Suppose P(k) is true so that there exists a q and 0 ≤ r < b such that k = qb+r. Consider
k + 1 = qb + r + 1. Either r + 1 = b or r + 1 < b. In the first case take k + 1 = (q + 1)b + 0
and in the second k + 1 = qb + (r + 1). So P(k + 1) is true. Hence by induction it is true for all a ∈ N∗. The choice of b was arbitrary so true for all a, b ∈ N∗.
How is the HCF of two numbers related to their linear combinations?
If h = hcf(a, b) and d = xa + yb for some x, y ∈ Z then h | d.
Proof. If h = hcf(a, b) then h | a and h | b. Therefore a = hm for some m ∈ Z and b = hn
for some n ∈ Z. Therefore
d = ax + by = mhx + nhy = h(mx + ny)
so h | d.
What is Euclid’s Algorithm?
Given a, b ∈ N with a > b > 0 (re-ordering if necessary) we can write:
- a = q1b + r1 where b > r1 ≥ 0
- b = q2r1 + r2 where r1 > r2 ≥ 0
- r1 = q3r2 + r3 where r2 > r1 ≥ 0
in general rt = qt+2rt+1 + rt+2 with rt+1 > rt+2 ≥ 0.
Theorem 19.1 (Euclid’s Algorithm). Given the above algorithm on a, b:
(1) It stops. That is ∃k ∈ N such that rk−1 = qk+1rk + rk+1 and rk = qk+2rk+1 + 0,
(2) In this case rk+1 = hcf(a, b),
(3) ∃x, y ∈ Z such that hcf(a, b) = xa + yb.
What is Bezout’s Lemma and the special case where a and b are coprime?
Let a, b be positive integers. Then hcf(a, b) is the smallest positive integer so that it can be written in the form xa + yb where x, y ∈ Z.
If a and b, natural numbers, are coprime, then any positive integer can be written as xa + yb for some x, y ∈ Z
How does a prime number divide a product of two natural numbers?
Theorem 19.5. If p is a prime number, a, b ∈ N with p | ab, then either p | a or p | b (or both).
Proof. We will show that if p | ab and p ∤ b then p | a. If p ∤ b then hcf(p, b) = 1 so ∃x,
y ∈ Z such that 1 = xp + yb therefore a = xap + yab but p | (xap) since p is an explicit factor, and p | (yab) since by hypothesis p | ab, so therefore p | (xap + yab) and so p | a proving the result.
What is the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic?
Theorem 20.1 (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic). Every n ∈ N can be written uniquely as a product of primes.
Proof. We prove by induction
(1) (Can be factorised) by (strong) induction P(n) is the statement ”∀ 2 ≤ m ≤ n, m
can be factorised into primes”.
P(2) is true since 2 = 2. Suppose P(k) true, all 2 ≤ m ≤ k can be factorised into
primes, then
* either k + 1 is prime, whence k + 1 = k + 1 is the factorisation into primes
* or (k + 1) = ab where a, b ∈ N and 2 ≤ a, b ≤ k. So by inductive hypothesis each
a, b is a product of primes, so (k + 1) = ab gives k + 1 as a product of primes.
(2) (Can be factorised uniquely) Suppose that
n = p1p2 . . . pr = q1q2 . . . qm
where all the pi and qi are primes. First consider p1 divides q1q2 . . . qm = n (p1 divides n).
Either p1 | q1 or p1 | q2q3 . . . qm (p | ab then p | a or p | b). In the first case p1 = q1
since q1 is prime. In second case p1 | q2 or p1 | q3q4 . . . qm. Continuing we conclude
that p1 = qi for some i. Without loss of generality say p1 = q1, reordering if necessary.
So now
p2p3 . . . pr = q2q3 . . . qm
by dividing by p1 = q1. Now repeat the argument with p2. Inductively we get p1 = q1,
p2 = q2 up to pr = qm with r = m.
How many primes are there?
There are infinitely many primes.
Proof. Suppose not, so there are a finite number of primes p1, p2, . . . , pn for some n.
Consider N = p1p2 . . . pn+1. None of the pi divide N since this leaves remainder 1, so none of the pi are in the prime factorisation of N, but the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic says we can uniquely factorise N by primes, so there must exist prime(s) in addition to p1, p2, . . . , pn contradicting the hypothesis (note, we have not said that N is prime, although it could be).
What is the Chinese Remainder Theorem?
Suppose n1, n2, . . . nk are integers, all of which are pairwise coprime (any two are coprime). Then for any integers a1, a2, . . . , ak there is an integer x satisfying
x ≡ ai (mod ni) for 1 ≤ i ≤ k.
What is a Unit and how do units relate to HCF?
A number a ∈ Z/mZ is called a unit if it has a multiplicative inverse in Z/mZ.
A number a ∈ Z/mZ is a unit iff hcf(a, m) = 1
What is the Euler Totient Function?
The Euler Totient Function, ϕ(n), is the number of positive integers less than or equal to n that are relatively prime to n, alternatively, ϕ(n) is the number of units in Z/nZ.
For example
ϕ(1) = 1,
ϕ(12) = 4 (1, 5, 7, 11),
ϕ(p) = p − 1 for any prime p.
What is Fermat’s Little Theorem?
If p is a prime number, a is any integer, then
a^p ≡ a (mod p).
Following from this we get, If p is a prime number, a a number relatively prime to p, then a^(p−1) ≡ 1 (mod p).
What is Euler’s Theorem?
If n is any positive integer, a is relatively prime to n, then
a^ϕ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n).
What is Big O Notation?
Let f(x) and g(x) be two functions. We say
f(x) = O(g(x))
if there is some constant C > 0, which does not depend on x, so that
|f(x)| ≤ Cg(x)
or possible this holds for x > x0 for some x0.
What is the Algorithm for Addition?
Consider adding two 3-digit numbers by an algorithm. Say a3a2a1 +b3b2b1 and think how you would do this using pen and paper. We would first add a1 to b1 to get d1 with a carry c1 (which may be zero). Then we add a2, b2 and c1 to get the next digit of the sum d2 with another carry c2 (which may be zero). Finally we add a3, b3 and c2 to get the third digit d3 and then we have either a three digit answer, or a four digit answer if there is a further carry c3.
If we assume here that ”addition” is a single step, then this algorithm takes 3 steps. It should be clear that if we have two n digit numbers then addition of those numbers
would now require n steps. This algorithm is O(n).
What is the Algorithm for Multiplicaiton?
Now consider multiplying two n-digit numbers, as an example let’s assume we have two 2-digit numbers, so we wish to multiply together a2a1 and b2b1. To do this we multiply in pairs a1b1, a2b1, a1b2 and a2b2 which is four steps, and then we add, with carry if necessary the resultant numbers which is another 4.
In general, for two n digit numbers the same process will require n^2 multiplications and 2n additions (plus carries). So multiplication is O(n^2 + n) = O(n^2).
What is the Algorithm for Division?
Division is no worse than multiplication so is also O(n^2) for our purposes.
The most common reasoning for this is using Newton-Raphson to get better and better approximations. We want to solve for x in
1/x + a = 0.
We start with some first guess and then successive iterations given by xn+1 = xn −
f(xn)/f′(xn) where f(x) = 1/x−a. This gives that xn+1 = xn(2−axn) since f′(x) = −1/x^2,
so we are taking a sequence of multiplications each of which is therefore O(n^2).
What is Binet’s formula?
We also proved Binet’s Formula, that if ϕ = (1 + √5)/2 and τ = (1 −√5)/2 then
f(n) = (ϕ^n − τ^n)/√5
and noted that as n → ∞ we have from the above formula that f(n) → ϕ^n/√5.
How are the two numbers run with Euclid’s Algorithm related to its running time?
If a > b ≥ 0 and Euclid’s Algorithm takes k ≥ 1 steps to complete, then a ≥ f(k + 2) and b ≥ f(k + 1) where f(k) is the kth term of the Fibonacci sequence.
What is a Primitive Root?
A number a is a primitive root modulo n if every number b coprime to a (i.e. hcf(a, b) = 1) is congruent to a power of a (mod n).
I.e. for every a ∈ Z coprime to n there is some integer k for which g^k ≡ a (mod n).
How many primitive roots does a prime have?
If (Z/pZ)^×, p prime, has a primitive root, then it has precisely ϕ(p − 1) of them.
What is the Discrete Logarithm Problem?
(The Discrete Logarithm Problem - DLP). Given a cyclic group G, a generator g for G and some element x of G, find n such that x = g^n. Or, given (Z/pZ)×, where p is prime, a ∈ (Z/pZ)× a primitive root, and some element x ∈ (Z/pZ)×, find a number n such that
x ≡ a^n (mod p).
What is the Diffie Hellman Problem?
(The Diffie-Hellman Problem - DHP). Given a cyclic group G, a generator g for G and two elements g^a and g^b, compute g^ab. Or, given (Z/pZ)×, with p prime, a a primitive root, a^x (mod p) and a^y (mod p) for integers x and y, compute
a^xy (mod p).
What is Clear and Cipher Text?
We call the original, readable message, the clear text. The same message that has been encoded in some way is called the cipher text.
What is the Caesar’s Cipher?
The well-known Caesar’s Cipher (supposedly used by Julius Caesar) does this substitution by a simple shift of letters in the alphabet.
Then a Caesar Cipher is just replacing the letter corresponding to the number n with the letter corresponding to the number m = n + k (mod 26) for some k, called the key. The recipient of the message then simply does the reverse substitution n = m−k (mod 26).
How does a numbers roots relate to its primality?
An integer n is prime iff the only solutions to the equation
x^2 ≡ 1 (mod n) are x ≡ ±1 (mod n).
What is Wilson’s Theorem?
For an integer p > 1 we have
(p − 1)! ≡ −1 (mod p)
if and only if p is prime.