Foundations Flashcards
Four Foundations of Mindfulness
- Awareness of the body
- of feelings
- of mental phenomena
- of truths/laws of experience (4 NTs)
Eightfold Path
Right View Right Thought Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration
Five Aggregates
Material Form (Rupa)
Feeling (Vedanda) - all affective element, pleasant, painful, neutral
Perception (Sanna) - quality of things, recognition, memory
Formations (Sankhara) - all volitional, emotive, intellective aspects of mental life
Consciousness (Vinnana) - basic awareness of object
Three Marks/Characteristics (Tilakkhana)
Non-Self (anatta)
Ten Fetters
- Identity View (self among aggregates)
- Doubt in Buddha and his teachings
- Clinging to rules and observances
- Sensual Desire
- Ill-will
- Desire for rebirth in fine-material realm
- Desire for rebirth in immaterial realm
- Conceit
- Restlessness
- Ignorance
* First 5 ties to world of desire; latter 5 to subtle form n formless worlds
4 Supramundane Paths
- Stream-Enterer (sotapanna): enter stream of 8FP inevitably leading to Nibbana & abandon first 3 fetters
- Once-Returner (sakadagamin): attenuate further root defilements of lust, hatred, ignorance (w/o yet comp erad) and destined to return once more to sense-sphere realm
- Non-Returner (anagamin): dest to reappear by spent birth in one of Pure Abodes and attain final Nibbana
- Arahant: erad 5 higher fetters of desire for rebirth in two realms, conceit, restlessness, ignorance
Mentality: Feeling, Perception, Volition, Contact, Attention
Materiality: 4 great elements & derived material forms
Formations (Sanhara/Samskara)
wholesome & unwholesome volitions ~ Kamma: bodily, verbal, mental
Ignorance of 4 NTs,
Origin & Disappearance of 5 Aggs
4-fold error of taking for eternal what is not, pleasant for what is not, pure for what is not, a Self what has no self (Lamotte 36)
Sensual Desire, Being, Ignorance
Taint condition for Ignorance & Ignorance is also Taint - no discernible beginning of samsara b/c none for ignorance
12 Links of Dependent Origination
- Ignorance (klesa)
- Formations (karman)
- Consciousness (vipakaphala)
- Mentality-Materiality (vp)
- Sixfold Base (vp)
- Contact (vp)
- Feeling (vp)
- Craving (tr.s.n.a- - thirst, desire) (klesa)
- Clinging/Grasping (klesa)
- Being/Existence (karman)
- Birth (vp))
- Aging and Death (vp)
Prajna (Early Buddhism)
Clear & precise insight into the 3 Characteristics of all phenomena, anti, dukkha, anatman
Kinds of Wisdom
TEACHING (sruta - hearing)
REFLECTION (cinta): grasp meaning of letter n interpret letter by meaning; elicits personal reaction to external teaching
CONTEMPLATION (bhavana): direct apprehension of truth indeed of external adjunct
(DIRECT WISDOM: supramundane, direct ultimately only one of value)
4 Contemplations
- Difficulty of Obtaining Human Life
- Death & Impermanence
- Faults of Samsara
- Law of Karma (cause & effect)
Seven Branch Prayer
- Prostration
- Offering
- Confession
- Rejoicing (in virtues of others)
- Supplication for Teaching of Dharma
- Supplication for Buddhas to Remain
- Dedication of Merit
Perfections (Mahayana)
- Generosity (da-na)
- Morality (s’i-la)
- Patience (ks.a-nti)
- Vigor (vi-rya)
- Concentration (dhya-na)
- Wisdom (prajn~a-)
- Skill-in-Means (upaya-kaus’alya)
- Resolution/Determination (pran.idha-na)
- Strength (bala)
- Knowledge (jn~a-na)
Perfections (Theravada)
- Generosity (dana)
- Morality (si-la)
- Renunciation (nekhamma)
- Insight (pan~n~a)
- Energy (viriya)
- Patience (khanti)
- Truthfulness (sacca)
- Resolution (adhit.t.ha-na)
- Loving-Kindness (metta)
- Equanimity (upekkha-)