Foundational Concepts of Nursing Practice: QI Flashcards
What is the overall focus of quality improvement?
Improving the quality of care patients receive as well as patient safety.
How does quality improvements vary from quality assessment?
QI: Is a proactive approach that is process driven. Implementing change before something potentially bad happens to a patient.
QA: Is a reactive approach and problem driven. Implementing change after something detrimental has happened.
What are the basic steps of QI?
Identify the problem
Analyze the problem
Develop a plan to fix the problem
Implement your plan to test/see if it fixes the problem
This part of the QI plan makes the process manageable, consistent, and easier to monitor.
What is an example of a standardized protocol?
Presurgical checklist, which is used to help reduce errors.
What are quality indicators used for?
They measure and monitor patient safety and identify risks of patient interactions.
What does a nursing-sensitive quality indicator measure?
Elements that affect nursing care.
What elements do nursing-sensitive quality indicators focus on in patient care?
- Structure: Condition/environment care is provided in.
- Process: Measures mechanisms of the care provided
- Outcome: Measurable result, can be positive or negative.
Quality measurement examples: Structure
- Nurse turnover
- Admissions, discharges, and transfers
- ED throughput
- RN education
Quality measurement examples: Process
- Care coordination
- Device utilization
- Pressure injuries
- Restraints
Quality measurement examples: Outcome
- Hospital readmissions
- C-diff infections
- MRSA infections
What is the most common QI model used?
PDSA: Plan Do Study Act
What tools are used in the quality improvement process?
- Flow charts
- Histograms
- Run charts
What purpose do continuous quality improvements (CQI) serve?
Providing quality care and safety to patients through ongoing measurements, assessments, and improvements of quality initiatives.
Under this process a risk management plan is developed.
Continuous quality improvement.
What are some developed CQI plans?
Incident reporting:
sentinel, adverse, and never events
How do QI, EBP, and research vary?
QI: Evaluates effectiveness of nursing care and steps to achieve positive clinical outcomes.
EBP: Uses research with clinical knowledge and patient values to improve the nursing practice.
Research: Systematic approach used to test theories and determine which practices could result in an improvement of quality care.
What are the three root cause analysis questions that must be completed for all sentinel events?
- What happened?
- Why did it happen?
- What can be done to prevent it from happening again?
A nurse caring for a patient checks the suctioning in their room every day is an example of that quality assessment?
Quality assurance through maintaining a safe physical environment by doing routine maintenance checks.
What is the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) tool used for?
Measure patient satisfaction about healthcare service.
What are quality core measures?
A standard of care required by a healthcare facility to ensure they are providing the best treatment for their patients.