Amyloid precursor protein gene is associated with early onset Alzheimers. On what chromosome is this gene located ?
PSEN1 & PSEN2 are genes located on chromosome 14 and 1 respectively and associated with what ?
Early onset Alzheimer
Acute intermittent porphyria associated with gene on what chromosome ?
PKU associated with gene on what chromosome ?
What medical condition with psychiaric manifestations is linked to defective genes on chromosome 13?
Wilson’s disease
Typical onset Alzheimer’s is associated with APOE4 alleles on what chromosome ?
Autistic behavior, mental retardation/intellectual disability are behavioral manifestations of what disease associated with a sex chromosome ?
Fragile X
Stereotypes hand mvmts, breathing abnormalities and autism spectrum disorder is indicative of ?
Rett’s disorder
Lesion to orbitofrontal cortex :
Decision making
Personnality changes
Lack of judgment
Explosive moods and violent outbursts
Lesion to dorsolateral frontal cortex :
Affected planning, strategy formation and executive function ; lack of motivation
Lobe most likely involved in seizures ?
What cortex is associated with intellectual processing of info ?
Parietal cortex
Damage to left side may impair language and Gerstmann syndrome may occur : agraphia, acalculia, finger agnosia, right & left disorientation.
Damage on the right side may interferes with visuo-spacial processing resulting in construction apraxia (inability to copy drawings) as well as anosognosia, left hemoparesis/hemispacial neglect.
What is monothematic delusion?
When a pt denies ownership of a limb or an entire side of the body without any other delusions.
May occur in primary psychotic disorders but most commonly present in conjunction with brain damage.
What syndrome is associated with cortical blindness along with failure to acknowledge the blindness ?
Anton syndrome
bilat occlusion of PCA interrupting fibers involved in self-assessment.
What part of the brain is critical for pain perception and when dysfunctions may lead to impaired memory and arousal ?
Reticular activating system involved with ?
Consciousness (wakefulness ; arousal)
Lesion ; decreased REM sleep and loss of consciousness
The hippocampus is critical for ?
Memory and new learning
Damage leads to anterograde amnesia (short term memory disorder)
Assigns emotional significance to sensory experiences ; mediates learned fear responses and direct expression of emotions ?
Gateway through which internal and external stimuli are integrated
Damage to the Amygdala resulting from the bilateral lesions of the anterior temporal lobes causes what syndrome that is associated with ‘‘make love not war’’ condition ?
Kluver-Bucy syndrome
Syndrome characterized by amnesia resulting from chronic thiamine deficiency which may result in damage to the thalamus ?
Associated with procedural learning, routine behaviors or habits such as bruxism, eye mvmts, cognition and emotion. Also plays a role in integration of emotions with cognitive and motor behavior. Implicated in depression & dementia as well as Huntingtons ?
Basal ganglia
Presents as a triad of dyskinesia, dementia and depression ?
What specific part of the basal ganglia is Parkinson’s associated with ?
Substantia nigra
What specific part of the basal ganglia is Huntington’s chorea associated with ?
Caudate & putamen
What specific part of the basal ganglia is Tourette’s associated with ?
Define chorea :
Mvmt disorder characterized by random and involuntary quick, jerky and pruposeless mvmts.
What is Athetosis ?
sx characterized by slow, involuntary, convoluted mvmts of the fingers, hands, toes and feet and in some cases ,arms, legs, neck and tongue.
Usually occurs as a result of injury to the basal ganglia
What psychiatric condition is associated with dopaminergic hyperfunction in the prefrontal cortex and serotonergic hypofunction is the basal ganglia ?
Treated with SSRI
Rare heriditary disorder that involves calcification of the basal ganglia ?
Fahr disease
Which part of the brain stem is important for REM sleep?
Part of the Ponse that serves as principle site for brain synthesis of norepinephrine ?
Locus ceoruleus
In what psychiatric disease is acetylcholine low and glutamate high ?