A social group determined by geographical
boundaries and / or common values and interests;
members know and interact with one another; and
functions within a particular social structure;
creates norms, values, and social institutions.
Community (WHO)
- Locus
- Sharing
- Joint action
- Social ties
- Diversity
Core Elements of Community
traditional; natural and man-made
boundaries (cities, provinces, regions, etc.)
Geopolitical communities (Territorial Communities)
relational; interactive groups; sharing of
perspective/identity (culture, value, history,
Phenomenological Communities (Functional
- Housing
- Education
- Fire & safety
- Politics & government
- Health
- Communication
- Economics
- Recreation
8 Subsystem of Community
- People
- Health
- Wellness
Components of Community
core that makes up the
state of complete physical,
mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
an integrated method of
functioning which is oriented towards
maximizing the potential of which the
individual is capable
- Physical
- Emotional
- Intellectual
- Spiritual
- Socio-Cultural
- Sexual
Dimension of Health
- Political
- Behavior
- Heredity
- Health Care System
- Environment
- Socio-Economics
Factors affecting an individual’s OLOF
person’s capability to choose for
their own health is limited with regards to the resources and financial capacity that is
available to them.
Government role is crucial when offering
health options to the people, it comes in
programs, legislations.
this factor can affect by internal and external
factor that we have little control.
- Health equity has become a priority
- Environmental, social, and governance
strategies are needed resilience - Mental health and well-being to the fore
- Digital transformation
- Medical science advancing at a rapid pace.
6 Key Issues (2022 Global Health Care Outlook
- Shifts in demographics and epidemiological
trends in diseases, including the emergence
and re-emergence of new diseases and in the
prevalence of risk and protective factors
Global and National Health Situations
- Shifts in demographics and epidemiological
trends in diseases, including the emergence
and re-emergence of new diseases and in the
prevalence of risk and protective factors
Global and National Health Situations
New technologies for health care,
communication and information
Global and National Health Situations
- Existing and emerging environmental hazards
some associated with globalization. - Health reforms
Global and National Health Situations
science of protecting and improving the
health of people and their communities.
Public Health
- Community as a client.
- Health as a goal.
- Nursing as the vehicle or means to
achieve its aims
3 Key Concepts of CHN
“a specialized field of nursing practice
that renders care to individuals, families,
communities; focusing on health promotion and
disease prevention through people empowerment
Community Health Nursing
- Developmental
- Multidisciplinary
- Ecology-oriented
- Promotes “social justice”
- Values consumer involvement
- Uses repayment mechanism
- Focuses on preventive service
- Offers comprehensive care
Characteristics and Features of Community
and Public Health Nursing (CPHN)
- Developmental
- Multidisciplinary
- Ecology-oriented
- Promotes “social justice”
- Values consumer involvement
- Uses repayment mechanism
- Focuses on preventive service
- Offers comprehensive care
Characteristics and Features of Community
and Public Health Nursing (CPHN)
- Individual
- Families
- Population Groups
- Community
Level of Clientele
- Occupational Health Nursing
- Correctional Nursing
- Faith Community Nursing
- School Health Nursing
Field of Community and Public Health Nursing
- Healthcare Provider
- Health Educator
- Program Implementer
- Community Organizer
- Manager/Leader
- Researcher/Epidemiologists
- Client Advocate
Roles and responsibilities of CPHN