Foundation: General Flashcards
During which period was the ‘Birth of Sake’?
Yayoi Period
When did the Yayoi Period start?
During which THREE periods is ‘Temple Sake’ associated?
- Nara
- Heian
- Kamakura
What are the TWO names of Temple Sake?
- Sōbōshu (‘Monk Sake’ 僧坊酒)
- Morohaku (諸白)
Predominantly around where was sake made during the Nara, Heian and Kamakura periods?
Which THREE techniques were developed during the Sengoku Period?
- Bodai-moto
- Hi-ire (pasteurisation)
- Filtration (using wood ash)
What years do the Nara/Heian/Kamakura Periods span?
When was the Sengoku Period?
When were distillation techniques introduced to Kyūshū?
Sengoku Period
When was the Edo Period?
Which TWO sake regions developed during the early Edo Period?
- Itami
- Ikeda
Which TWO sake regions developed during the late Edo Period?
- Nada-gogō
- Fushimi
What were the FOUR major developments in sake making in the Edo Period?
- Kanzukuri 寒造り (winter brewing)
- Sandan Jikomi 3段仕込み (3 stage sake brewing)
- Kimoto-zukuri
- Birth of Tōji Guilds
When was water power pioneered?
Edo Period
What area was transformed into a ‘powerhouse’ due to water power? Why (THREE reasons)?
- Development of suisha seimai 水車精米 (water-wheel milling)
- Discovery of miyamizu
- Proximity to water for shipping
When was the village rice system developed?
Meiji Period (1868-1912)
What is the name of the ‘village rice system’ in Japanese?
Mura-mai seido
When was the Meiji Period?
1868 to 1912
What developments resulted from mura-mai seido?
- Improvement in quality of sake rice
- ‘Pure terroir outlook’ in rice cultivation in Hyōgo’s southwest
When were early ginjō techniques developed?
By whom?
During the Meiji Period, by Senzaburo Miura
In what year was the Vertical Rice Polishing machine introduced?
In what year was Yamada Nishiki developed and in what year was it registered?
Developed in 1927, registered in 1936
When was ‘the rise of jizake’ (地酒, local craft sake)?
Mid 1970s
During which decade ginjō-shu’s globalisation take place?
When/where was Japan’s first GI for alcohol awarded?
For which regions and beverages?
30 June 1995
Okinawa for Awamori
Kumamoto for Shōchū
Nagasaki for Shōchū
When was Nihonshu 日本酒 created as a designation?
25 December 2015
Which was the first GI awarded at the Prefecture level for Nihonshu? When?
Yamagata GI
16 December 2016
Roughly how many prefectures in Japan can be considered to possess a distinct terroir / sense of regionality?
Around one third (15-16ish)
What are the six elements of sake regionality?
- Environment
- Rice
- Water
- Microbes
- Human Element
- Culture
What contrasting viewpoints can sake regionality be viewed through?
Macro-regionality (whole geographical region e.g. Tōhoku, or prefecture e.g. Niigata)
Meso-regionality (a region within a larger area e.g. Nada-Gogō, Hakusan)
Micro-regionality (very narrow e.g. individual breweries)