Explain how Buddha’s experience has acted as a foundation for Buddhism?
1) 4 sights- idea that that suffering exists linkage to 4 noble truths, central to Buddhism. Led him to investigate suffering. Being charitable, reliant on the kindness of others helps to prevent suffering- receiving Alms when almost dying.
- Everyone suffers.
- Suffering is caused by clinging and craving producing bad karma which means we are unable to escape Samsara.
- If we stop craving we can break out of the cycle of rebirth and reach Nirvana.
- Middle-way between luxury and asceticism- idea of not craving unnecessary things- links in with Alms (practices).
2) Holyman- asceticism, need for balance and trying to achieve higher levels of consciousness (meditation)- which led him to the truth that lie central to Buddhism (e.g. the middle way, karma and rebirth, eightfold path).
3) Reveal of the 8 fold path- central to Buddhist teachings- right speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and meditation.
How did Muhammad’s experience act as a foundation to Islam.
- Angel Gabriel- made him recite the Qur’an (propositional revelation) provided a foundation for the religion, rules of prayer, way to behave were also revealed to Muhammad. Provided foundations for the Muslim lifestyle.
How did John Wesley influence change in Christianity?
- Was already religious and seeking to improve his religious his religious faith.
- Influencer of the evangelistic movement along with George Whitfield, who was converted him.
- He developed the idea of personal survival through faith, founded hymns and reigns, theological influencer on methodism.
How did St Paul invoke changes in Christianity?
- Spread the word of Christianity whilst also setting up churches in Greece, Rome and Jerusalem.
- Wrote letters to churches to encourage them to convert from Judaism to Christianity.
- People still read Paul’s letters especially at weddings (Corinthians), evangelical christianity is still on the rise, formed the model for marriage and relationships.
-Some of St Paul’s teachings are not compatible with modern thinking and society.
How did the Day of Pentecost influence changes in Christianity?
- Rise in followers, started up Evangelistic Christianity, people live in communities, new churches were established, baptism became a prominent ritual, old testament was concluded and new era began and speaking in tongues became a common practice.
- Pentecostal changes in their pure form still exists, people still speak in tongues e.g. Toronto Blessing, baptism is still prominent, 250 million Pentecostalists world wide.
How did Luther influence change in traditional Christianity?
- Luther was already faithful, but was saved through the Grace of God - not money.
- “He who through faith is righteous shall live”.
- Went from academic acceptance to personal trust- felt so strongly about it that he translated the bible making it vastly accessible, he also set the mould for clerical marriage.
Give examples of how modern day religious groups bring about religious experiences in religious practice.
1) Snake Handelling - “The church of God with signs of following”.George Hansely, founded this religious group and it’s practices. Men tipped a full box of rattle snakes out in front of him, without flinching he picked them up and preached the full time. Claimed God is protecting him- feel filled with the holy spirit, involves rhythmic dancing with poisonous snakes.
2. The Whirling Dervishes- Muslim Sufism- consists of dancing, whirling and leaping with each movement symbolising a spiritual reality. One hand raised, one pointed down to earth. Initiation and expression of joy and religious devotion. Awareness Allah is watching - numinosity.
Explain how prayer may be viewed as a form of religious experience.
- “Prayer is the soul’s life-line to God”.
- Any person can have a religious experience if they pray- therefore religious experiences are non subjective and non elitist.
- Access to God through prayer.
-Prayer Experiment Loer 1959.
Explain how Muhammad’s experience acted as a source of religious practice.
5 pillars of Islam revealed to him:
1) “Shahaddah” statement of faith, “that there is no God but Allah and his messenger Muhammad”- whispered at death and birth. Links in with reciting and memorising the Qur’an- formed by Angel Gabriel commanding Muhammad to recite.
2) “Salat” rules of prayer, revealed to Muhammad through propositional revelation.
3) “Zakat” practice of giving 2.5% of wealth to charity yearly- links with good religious behaviour.
4) “Ramadan” humble way of life and sustain from anything impure during this time (once a year). Makes us focus on whites important - faith.
5) “Hajj”- pilgrimage to Mecca, practice and journey made at least one time in life. Standing shoulder to shoulder- all equal and material possessions are not important.
Explain how Buddha’s experience acted as a source of religious practice.
1) During asceticism - meditation originated, higher levels of consciousness. Saved by a young girl from starving to death- giving and receiving alms- links in with good behaviour. Also came the loss of material possessions - there is no I, to help break out of cycle.
2) Meditated for 49 days - reached enlightenment.
3) 8 fold path revealed to him- refers to practices and behaviour.
What is a religious practice and what is good religious behaviour?
A RELIGIOUS PRACTICE- structured activity which is practiced regularly, used as a formal way of following the religion.
GOOD RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOUR- involves abiding to moral codes of your religion e.g. following eightfold path. Upheld in day to day life.
How did the day of Pentecost create foundation for good religious behaviour?
- After the experience people worshipped daily and lived in physical communities.
- Baptism became an important ritual and the daily affirmation of Christian belief.
How did Buddha’s religious experience contribute to good religious behaviour?
- 8 fold path (8 rule moral code).
- Being charitable- Alms, and relying on the kindness of others.
- Revealed universal truths such as karma determining our next life- people want to generate good karma and act in morally superior way.
- Practicing mindfulness in day to day life.
- Asceticism - taught to not be greedy and live the middle way, humble. Helps to purify.
- Non-attatchment- leads to good behaviour, there is no fixed self.
How did Moses religious experience contribute to good religious behaviour in Judaism?
- 10 commandments- freed the Hebrews- taught to trust in God and his plan.
- 10 commandments - moral code.
How did Mother Teresa influence good religious behaviour.
- “Saint of the gutters”.
- Had a religious experience on a train- Jesus told her he could not help the poor alone.
- Slums of Calcutta- helped anyone regardless of faith or situation- acceptance of everyone and the practice of compassion.
- Continued to put faith in God regardless of the circumstances- made an example of.
- Active charity, set up schools for poor girls and orphans.
How did Moses religious experience contribute to good religious behaviour in Judaism?
- 10 commandments- freed the Hebrews- taught to trust in God and his plan.
- 10 commandments - moral code.
How did Mother Teresa influence good religious behaviour.
- “Saint of the gutters”.
- Had a religious experience on a train- Jesus told her he could not help the poor alone.
- Slums of Calcutta- helped anyone regardless of faith or situation- acceptance of everyone and the practice of compassion.
- Continued to put faith in God regardless of the circumstances- made an example of.
- Active charity, set up schools for poor girls and orphans.