Foundation Flashcards
Who created Star Trek
Gene Roddenberry
What date and year did the original Star Trek Air
September 8th, 1966
How many season did the original Star Trek run for
3 Seasons
Who was the Captain of the original Enterprise in the original Series
Captain James T Kirk
Who played Captain T Kirk in the original series
William Shatner
What century was the original series set in
the 23rd Century
What was the name of the original Ship commanded by Captain Kirk
What was the fictional interstellar federal republic in the Star Trek science fiction franchise
United Federation of Planets
What inspired Gene Roddenberry to write Star Trek
Horatio Hornblower novels,
Gulliver’s Travels,
TV series Wagon Train
What followed the Original Series
The Animated Series and six feature films.
What was the Alternative Timeline called
The Kelvin Timeline
What Year was the first Star Trek Motion Picture released
What year was the Wrath of Khan released
What Year was First Contact
What Years was Enterprise set in
2151 - 2161
What Years was Star Trek the Original Series set in
2266 - 69
What Years was the Next Generation set in
2364 - 2370
What Years was Voyager set in
2371 - 78
What Years was DS9 set in
2369 - 2375
What is the Klingon homeworld
Who was captain of the Enterprise in the Next Generation
Jean Luc Picard
Who was captain of the USS Voyager
Captain Kathryn Janeway
Who was captain of Deep Space Nine
Benjamin Sisco
All of Star Trek is set in what area of Space
Milky way Galaxy
How far does Voyager get in the Milky Way
70,000 Light years away in the Delta Region
The klingons were an allogary for what in the original series
How many episodes of Star Trek in total was there, episodes and movies
755 episodes plus 13 movies = 768
What was unusual about the episode Plato’s Stepchildren aired in 1968
Star Trek Featured The First Interracial Kiss On US Television
The Next Generation aired between what years
1987 - 1994
Enterprise aired between what years
2001 - 2005
Voyager aired between what years
1995 - 2001
How do Warp Engines work
Particles of matter and antimatter commingle in a reaction chamber regulated by a dilithium crystal.
When the particles interact, they destroy each other, giving off enough energy to allow the ship to warp
How long would it take the Enterprise to traverse the Galaxy at Impulse
400,000 Years
How long is the NCC 1701 (original series)
953 feet long, the length of three football fields
When did you start watching Star Trek
July/August 2017
What year was first contact with the Vulcans
What year did Earth form its first alliance and what was it called
2161, United Federation of Planets (UFP)
What were the four races that formed the first alliance
Humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellerites
The signing of the treaty that formed the UFP followed Which war
the Earth-Romulan War
What was Spocks Father called
What was Spocks Mother called
Amanda Greyson
What Year was James T Kirk born
WHat year was the NCC 1701 launched
What Planet did the Enterprise visit in 2254 Under the command of Christopher Pike (Episode: The Menagerie)
Talos IV
What year does Discovery start in
From what years were WWIII
2026 - 2053
What Years were the Eugenic Wars
1992 - 1996
What were the Eugenic Wars fought over
Scientific attempt to improve the Human Race through Selective breeding
What Genetically enhanced tyrant and 84 of his followers escape the Eugenics Wars on Earth , going into suspended animation
Khan Noonien Singh
What ship did Khan Noonien Singh escape in
SS Botany Bay
What year was Warp first Achieved and by whom
2063 (In the wake of WWIII) Zephram Cochran
Who did Zephram Cochrane gain the attention of
The Vulcans
What year did Earth come into conflict with the first Klingon
2151 (Klaang, shot down by the Suliban)
What was the Enterprise NX-01 first mission
2151 to return Klang to Qo’noS – against the wishes of the Vulcans
Which race in 2153 fired a massive energy beam onto the surface of Earth
What year do the Borg first appear
2153 (who survived the attempted invasion of Earth in 2063 are accidentally thawed by a research team in the Arctic)
What year did the USS Franklin go missing
What year was Spock born
What year was The USS Kelvin is destroyed by a time-travelling 24th century Romulan ship
What was the name of the Romulun ship that destroyed the USS Kelvin in 2233
in what decade (date unknown) was Michael Burnham adopted
Who adopted Michael Burnham
Sarek and Amanda Grayson
Spock had his first sighting of what in the 2230’s
Red Angel
What did The USS Enterprise, captained by Christopher Pike discover in 2254
The survivors of crashed survey ship SS Columbia on Talos IV –( though it turns out they’re an illusion created by the telepathic Talosians. )
What year was the Battle of the Binery Stars which started the Federation/Klingon War
What happened to Commander Michael Burnham in 2256 prior to the Battle of the Binery Stars
defies the orders of Captain Philippa Georgiou, and is charged with mutiny.
How did the Federation/Klingon War end
with the hydro bomb Section 31 plant at the heart of Qo’noS
What mission was Commander Pike given in 2257
command of the Discovery on a mission to understand the so-called “Red Angels” – and track down his AWOL science officer, Spock
What year (Kelvin Timeline) was Vulcan destroyed