Formulas that Tonify QI & Blood Flashcards
Formula for Consumptive Fatigue
Tangkuei decoction to Tonify the Blood
Deficiency of HEART & SPLEEN caused by deficiency of QI & BLOOD
**Restore the Spleen decoction -Gui pi Tang
Consumptive conditions with Qi & Blood Deficiency
Honey Fried Licorice decoction-Zhi Gan cao tang
Qi & Blood Deficiency
**Eight Treasure Decoction-Ba zhen tang
Qi & Blood Deficiency with COLD symptoms
**All-Inclusive Great Tonifying decoc. - Shi quan da bu tang
Hot Sensation in Muscles
Red Face with Irritability
Fever & HA due to blood Loss
Tangkuei decoction to Tonify the Blood - Dan gui bu xue tang
Consumptive Fatigue
Forgetfullness, Insomnia, Dream Disturbed Sleep, Decreased Appetite
**Restore the Spleen Decoction-Gui pi tang
IRREGULAR Pulse, palpitations with anxiety, irritability
Honey-Fried Licorice decoction-Zhi Gan cao tang
Consumptive conditions with Qi & Blood Deficiency
Pallid or Sallow Complexion, Palpitations with anxiety, POOR Appetite, SOB, Light Headed, Vertigo, Easily Fatigued
T: Pale/White Coating P: Thin weak or large, deficient
**Eight Treasure Decoction - Ba zhen tang
Qi & Blood Deficiency
Low Energy Level, SOB, Palpitations, Insomnia, Dizzy Chronic COUGH, Weak, COLD LIMBS
**All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction-Shi quan da bu tang
(Qi & Blood Deficiency with Cold Symptoms)
Chief herb/s for Restore the Spleen, Gui pi tang
Ren Shen, Huang Qi
Herbs for Restore the Spleen
Ren Shen-Chief Huang Qi-Chief Bai Zu Fu Ling Suan Zao Ren Long Yan Rou Mu Xiang Zhi Gan Cao Dang Gui Zhi Yuan Zhi
Chief Herb/s for Eight Treasure Decoction - Ba zhen tang
Ren Shen, Shu Di Huang
Herbs for Ba zhen tang - Eight Treasure Decoction (Qi & Blood Deficiency)
Ren Shen-Chief Shu Di Huang-Chief Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao Bai Shao Dang Gui Chuan Xiong
What 2 formulas are included in Ba zhen tang-8 Treasure
4 Gentlemen Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Zhi Gan Cao 4 Substance Shu Di Huang Bai Shao Dang Gui Chuan Xiong
Chief Herb/s for All-Inclusive Great Tonifying decoction
Ren Shen, Shu Di Huang
What two formulas are included in All-Inclusive Tonifying Decoction
4 Gentlemen & 4 Substance Ren Shen Bai Zhu Fu Ling Zhi Gan Cao Shu di Huang Bai Shao Dang Gui Chuan Xiong
What is added to All-Inclusive Tonifying Decoction to complete the formula?
Rou Gui, Huang Qi
What are 3 state board formulas for Tonifying the Qi & Blood
- Gui pi tang-Restore the Spleen
- Ba zhen tang - 8 Treasure decoc.
- All-Inclusive Great Tonifying decoc. - Shi quan da bu tang
What is difference between Gui pi tang and Ba zhen tang
Gui pi tang has insomnia herbs
What formula works with HT, SP, QI & BLOOD
Gui pi tang