formulas - one liners (revised) Flashcards
WC (excess)
ma huang tang
WC (deficiency)
gui zhi tang
WC (stiff neck + upper back)
ge gen tang
WC (congested fluids)
xiao qing long tang
WH (cough)
sang ju yin
WH (sore throat)
yin qiao san
WC turning to WH
chai ge jie ji tang
WIND causing H/A of all types
chuan xiong cha tiao san
WIND causing nasal congestion
cang er zi wan
WCD (qi deficiency)
ren shen bai du san
WCD (no qi deficiency)
jing fang bai du san
WH (chronic yin deficiency)
jia jian wei rui tang
shaoyang + yangming
focal distention + alternating chills and fever
da chai hu tang
WC exterior and HEAT interior
ge gen huang lian huang qin tang
qi level + yangming CHANNEL heat
4 bigs
bai hu tang
qi level + yangming CHANNEL heat
qi + fluid deficiency
bai hu jia ren shen tang
qi level heat lingering in yangming
some injury to qi and fluids
zhu ye shi gao tang
qi level heat in yangming (muscle + chest)
zhi zi chi tang
ying level heat
qing ying tang
xue level heat
xi jiao di huang tang
fire toxin in 3 jiaos
huang lian jie du tang
focal distention
damp-heat excess, interior clumping
xie xin tang
massive febrile disease (head and above)
pu ji xiao du yin
boils and carbuncles
wu wei xiao du yin
LU heat (lodged)
ma xing shi gan tang
LU heat (constraint)
xie bai san
ST heat (accumulation)
qing wei san
ST fire + KD yin deficiency
yu nu jian
HT heat (and SI heat)
dao chi san
LV/GB damp-heat
long dan xie gan tang
dysenteric disorder
focus: qi and blood stagnation
(blood = pus)
shao yao tang
dysenteric disorder
focus: heat
(blood > pus)
bai tou weng tang
yangming ORGAN
pain increases with pressure
da cheng qi tang
yangming ORGAN (milder)
pain doesn’t increase with pressure
xiao cheng qi tang
yangming ORGAN (mildest)
no focal distention
tiao wei cheng qi tang
yangming ORGAN
heat in ST and intestines + yin deficiency
zeng ye cheng qi tang
constipation due to cold
da huang fu zi tang
constipation due to dryness
damaged fluids, blood, yin
run chang wan
constipation due to SP bind heat
ma zi ren wan
constipation due to KD yang deficiency
ji chuan jian
alternating chills and fever
xiao chai hu tang
shaoyang damp-heat
GB and SJ
hao qin qing dan tang
blockage of 3 yangs + shaoyang
chai hu jia long gu mu li tang
yang inversion due to stagnation
cold extremities, warm middle
si ni san
LV constraint + SP deficiency + blood deficiency
xiao yao san
LV constraint + SP deficiency + blood deficiency + HEAT
jia wei xiao yao san
LV/SP disharmony + DIARRHEA
tong xie yao feng
focal distention
cold + heat
ban xia xie xin tang
yin deficiency + deficiency heat
qing hao bie jia tang
yin deficiency + steaming bone disorder
qing gu san
yin deficiency + blood deficiency + NIGHTSWEATS
dang gui liu huang tang
summerheat + damp-heat
liu yi san
4 extremities cold + blood deficiency
dang gui si ni tang
middle jiao cold from deficiency + SP yang deficiency
li zhong wan
middle jiao cold from deficiency + SP yang deficiency
severe cold
fu zi li zhong wan
vomiting due to ST/LV disharmony/cold
feeling of wanting to die
wu zhu yu tang
abdominal pain due to cold
better with pressure + warmth
xiao jian zhong tang
abdominal pain due to excess cold
worse with pressure
da jian zhong tang
4 extremities cold + yang deficiency
shaoyin representative formula
si ni tang
SP qi deficiency
tonify qi representative formula
si jun zi tang
SP qi deficiency + phlegm stagnation
liu jun zi tang
SP qi deficiency + internal damp
shen ling bai zhu san
SP yang deficiency
bu zhong yi qi tang
wei qi deficiency
yu ping feng san
LU qi + LU yin deficiency
chronic cough
sheng mai san
LU qi deficiency
bu fei tang