Formulas/General Rules Flashcards
Total Frame PD/Box distance measurement
Individual Frame PD/Box distance measurement
Horizontal Decentration/ Total inset
Frame PD-Patient PD/2
Vertical Decentration/ Seg Drop or Height
OC Height - B/2
Minimum Blank Size
MBS= ED + (total decentration) + 2
MBS = ED +2(decentration per lens) + 2
Nominal Lens Formula
Power = Front Surface Power + Back Surface Power or Dn = D1 + D2
Focal Length
Diopter= 1/F.L (meters)
Prentices Rule
c=distance in cm
Effective Power (Vertex distance Adjustment)
Peff= P/1-dP
P eff= Effective power
P = Original lens power
d = Change in vertex distance (in meters, positive if moved closer to the eye)
Base Curve
BC = 337.5/K
CL RX Over Refraction
Seg Inset
Distance PD-Near PD
Given Prismatic effect and Prescription. Find decentration needed to create prismatic effect
C = Prism
c=distance in cm
mm to cm?
cm to mm
5mm - 0.5cm
?/10 = cm
?x10 = mm
How to find percent of a number
example 2/100 x -9.25 = -0.185
FAP = ?
SAM = ?
Flatter add plus
Steeper add minus
Steps to RGP solving.
1) Identify Corneal astigmatism, Direction and within or outside of nomogram
2) Compensated CL RX?
3)Residual Astig?
4)Use the nomogram to determine BC and DIA.
5)determine cyl power and design of lens using SAM/FAP
What is the relationship between K measurments and BC?
The steeper the K(the higher the number) the smaller the BC.
The flatter the K (the lower the number) the bigger the BC.
How do you loosen the fit of a soft lens? 2
Steepen the BC (smaller number BC)
Decrease the DIA
How do you steepen the fit of a soft lens? 2
Flatten the BC (larger number BC)
Increase the DIA
How do you find the DIA on a soft cl lens? 2
HVID + 2mm
based of nomogram given
What is WTR astigmatism?
More power in the vertical meridian so it has a steeper curvature.
What is ATR astigmatism?
More power in the horitonzal meridian so it has a steeper curvature
Where do you see touch in a WTR astig RGP picture?
horizontal like a figure of 8 on its side
Where do you see touch in a ATR astig RGP picture?
vertical, like a hour glass figure
If the Astigmatism is between 20 degrees of 90 and 180 it is considered WTR and ATR.
If it is out of these parameter what is the astig called?
If the mires are Clear Clear Clear the fit is ………..
Good fit
If the mires are Clear Blurry Clear the fit is …………
Flat fit
If the mires are Blurry Clear Blurry the fit is ……………….
Steep fit
How do we find Corneal astigmstism ?
Difference between the K readings
How do we find Residual Astig?
Difference between Corneal Astig and Astigmatism of Prescription after vertexing
What are the steps for Standard Alignment? 1-6
1)Horizontal Alignment
2)Vertical Alignment
3)Open temple Alignment
4)Temple Parallelism
5)Alignment of the Bent Down Portion of the Temple
6)Temple Fold Angle
What is the formula to calculate Total Seg Inset using Binocular PD?
DBC - Near PD /2
What are the two things you check for in horizontal alignment?
Rotated lens
Skewed bridge
What is checked for in vertical alignment? 3
face form
Variant/vertical planes
What needs to be adjusted first when addressing glasses out of alignment?
The bridge
The x-ing
What is the Open Temple Spread?
The angle that each open temples forms in relationship with the front of the frame (90-95 degrees)
How do you check for Temple Parallelism?
Do a flat surface touch test - place the glasses upside down on a flat surface
What are the 4 steps if the temple parallelism is not equal?
1)check for a bent endpiece
2)check for loose or broken rivets or loose hidden hinge
3)check for bend in the temple shaft
4) if none of the above is wrong, hinge needs to be bent
When looking at the alignment of the bent down portion of the temples what are we checking? 2
1) Check for equality in the downward bend.
2) Check for equality of the inward bend.
When checking the temple fold angle what do we do/look at?
Fold temples to closed position and observe angle formed at the temples cross.
What 3 angles are part of adjusting nosepads?
1-Frontal angle
2-Splay angle
3-Vertical angle
Does the frontal angle change height of the frame?
No - it is used for flat or tall noses.
Does the Splay angle change height of the frame?
No- The twist on the nosepads adjusts to the specifics of a pxs nose
Does the vertical angle change the height of the frame?
It can do slightly but no it mainly moves frames further away or closer.
Do changing the angles of the 3 nosepads angles (splay,frontal,vertical) change the height of the frame?
No they dont, increasing + decreasing the distance between them changes the height of the frames
What is the solution to inequality in vertex distance? Left + Right 4
If left lens is IN = bring left temple IN
If right lens is OUT = bring right temple OUT
If right lens is IN = bring right temple IN
If left lens is OUT = bring left temple OUT
What is the solution when the lenses are different heights? Right + left 4
If left lens is UP = bend left temple UP
If left lens is DOWN = bend left temple DOWN
If right lens is UP = bend right lens UP
If right lens is DOWN = bend right temple DOWN
What is the relationship between the nosepads and the height of the lenses?
Widen the nosepads = lowers glasses
Narrow the nosepads = heightens glasses