Formulas Flashcards
The heat pump (HP) power requirement W,el:
W,el = Q,HP / COP
Q,HP = HP condenser capacity (Upper Q)
Formula for total annual cost for power plant (energy production):
+(SEK/MWh)*MWh = SEK
MWh = MWh
(installd capacityrunning time)
Formula for calculating how much of maximum energy recovery is done:
Alt 1:
Q,max = sumHR + sumHX - Q,h,min
Alt 2:
Q,max = sumCL + sumHX - Q,c,min
sumHX/Q,max = % of heat recovery
Pinch rule violations formulas:
Heaters and coolers (HR, CL):
(Heating below or cooling above pinch:)
Only the part of teh heating/cooling that is a violation:
Ex: hot (bellow pinch)
(T,pinch-T,start) F*Cp = violation kW
If one side is all above pinch and the other all bellow
= all heat transfer is violation kW
Part of the transfer is on the same side of teh pinch, only the transfer that crosses teh pinch is a violation
= % of teh heat transfer kW
Ex: hot side decides violation:
(T,start - T,pinch) F*Cp = violation kW
F*CP constraint above pinch:
FCp,h < FCp,c
F*CP constraint below pinch:
FCp,h > FCp,c
Electrical efficiency
Total efficiency
El.eff = El out / Fuel in
Tot.eff = (El + useful heat out) / Fuel in
COP and COP,carnot
COP = Q,c/W = Q,c/(Q,c - Q,e)
Q,c: condeser
Q,e: evaporator
COP,carnot = T1 / (T1-T2)
COP = eff,c * COP,carnot