Formulas Flashcards
VHF reception distance
1.23x square root of alt
Distance to station formula
(GS x Time in minutes)/ degrees of bearing change
Max payload
Centre of gravity shift
w/W = d/D
w = weight of object to move W = Gross Weight of Aircraft d = number of inches that the CG must be moved D = Distance between cargo compartments
Distance to critical Point
(D x Hr)/(Or + Hr)
D = Total Trip Distance Hr = Reduced or 3 Engine Groundspeed Home Or = Reduced or 3 Engine Ground Speed Out
Specific Air Range
TAS/fuel flow
Specific Ground Range
Ground speed/fuel flow
Mach number
S= speed of sound at flight temperature
Angle of Bank for rate one turn
Stall speed vs load factor
Normal stall speed x sucre root load factor
60degree bank = 2G
45degree bank = 1.4G
Hydroplane speed non rotating tire (landing)
7.7 x square root tire pressure
Hydroplane speed rotating tire (take-off)
9 x square root tire pressure
Mean aerodynamic cord (MAC
Identify c of g in inches from datum Identify leading edge mac Subtract lemac from the cg location Divide the difference by the length of mac Multiply by 100
Speed of sound
38.94 x root temp in degrees kelvin
How to calculate degrees kelvin
Degrees c plus 273