Formulas Flashcards
E(e^tx) = Mx(t)
Franchise deductible in terms of regular deductible
E((X-d)+) +dS(d)
E(X | X > VaRp(X)) =
VaRp(X) + (E(X) - E(X min VaRp(X))/(1-p)
Tail Weight Measures
- more positive moments -> lower tail weight
- if lim S1(x)/S2(x) > 1 or lim f1(x)/f2(x) > 1 then numerator has higher tail weight
- increasing h(x) -> lighter tail
- increasing ex(d) -> heavier tail
theta hat is consistent if:
- lim pr( | theta hat - theta| < delta ) = 1 for all delta > 0, or
- bias -> 0 and Var (theta hat) -> 0
Cov (Fx, Fy - Fx)
= -Fx(Fy-Fx)/n, x< y
variance of exact exposure
var(qj) = (1-qj)^2 * dj/ej^2
var of actuarial exposure
percentile matching with incomplete data: censored/truncated
censored -> select percentiles within the range of uncensored observations
truncated -> match percentiles of the conditional distribution
MLE of grouped data btw d and cj and left-truncated from below at d:
Poisson Binomial NB (r known) Gamma (a known) Normal mean/SD
Hypothesis tests - fitted distribution with deductible
F*(x) = 1- S(x)/S(d)
5 points about K-S
- only for individual data
- lower critical value if u < infinity
- If params are fitted, critical value should be lowered
- Larger sample size has lower critical value
- Uniform weight on all parts of distribution
5 points about Chi-Sq
- May be used for individual or grouped data
- No adjustments on critical value if u < infinity
- If parameters are fitted, critical value is automatically adjusted
- Critical value is independent of sample size
- Higher weight on intervals with low fitted probability
Loss functions
Type of loss/bayesian estimate
squared error/mean