Formulas Flashcards
Ma Huang Tang
WC excess
No sweat
Ma Huang Tang ingredients
Ma Huang
Gui Zhi
Xing Ren
Gui Zhi Tang
WC xu
ying and wei disharmony
Gui Zhi Tang ingredients
Gui Zhi
Bai Shao
Ge Gen Tang
Tai Yang syndrome with WC invasion
stiff and rigid neck
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Exterior WC w/water accumulation in the interior
“Ma huang tang” presentation + cough with sputum
Sang Ju Yin
Exterior WH - mild type
Yin Qiao San
Exterior WH - severe
onset of wen bing
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Simultaneous Tai Yang/Yang Ming
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
HA caused by external wind
Cang Er Zi San
Deep source nasal congestion
Cang er zi + Xin Yi Hua + Bai Zhi - warm/acrid to open nose
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Ext WCD + Qi xu
weak kid with lingering cold and cough
“Bai Du San” = body aches
Jing Fang Bai Du San
stronger constitution than RSBDS
Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang
Ext WH + Yin xu
Wei Rui = Yu Zhu - release wind + nourish yin
Da Chai Hu Tang
Shao Yang and Yang Ming syndrome
s/s - circumfluent diarrhea, alt c/f
Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang
Ext WC + interior heat
DH accum in LI d/t wrong formula
Bai Hu Tang
Yang Ming syndrome
4 bigs
Bai Hu Tang ingredients
Shi Gao
Zhi Mu
Geng Mi
Bai Hu Jia Ren Shen Tang
Yang Ming syndrome + Qi and fluids xu
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
Lingering heat with damage to Qi and Yin
Had “Bai Hu Tang” presentation and now have lingering in chest
Zhi Zi Chi Tang
Qi level heat lingering in the superficial aspects of Yang Ming
Heat going from channel to bowel
soft epigastrum
Qing Ying Tang
Heat in the Ying level
Formula goes to every channel to clear heat
Yin xu w/ febrile dx - HT starts to become affected
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang
Heat in the blood level
Bleeding, rashes
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Excess heat, fire and toxins in all 3 jiaos
Fire toxicity
Xie Xin Tang
DH excess with interior clumping
Formed heat in the interior w/ upward movement of heat in body - nose bleed, etc.
ST fire w/ clumping
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin
Wind, heat and toxin in the UP and head
Mumps formula
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
Heat toxicity
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
LU heat cough and dyspnea d/t EPF
Labored breathing
Pediatric pneumonia - strong excess kid
Xie Bai San
LU heat with reverse flow of LU Qi
Dao Chi San
Excess fire in the HT channel
s/s: Painful lin syndrome, irritability, insomnia
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
LIV fire = red eyes, bitter taste, irritable
GB DH = GB DH acne, genital sores (channel pathology)
Long Dan Cao goes to channels
Qing Wei San
Heat accumulation in ST/full ST fire
s/s: toothache, bleeding gums, bad breath, big appetite
vs. Xie Xin Tang = clumping heat in LI
vs. Yu Nu Jian = heat in YM + KID yin xu
Yu Nu Jian
ST heat with underlying (KID )yin xu
s/s = loose teeth = KID xu
Bai Tou Weng Tang
Toxic heat dysentery
Heat more than Damp/Blood more than pus
Good for ulcerative colitis
Shao Yao Tang
DH dysentery
Heat = Damp/Blood = pus
Good for ulcerative colitis
Da Cheng Qi Tang
Excess Yang Ming Fu/Organ syndrome
s/s = constipation, flatulence (unobstructed intestines)
Excess presentation - abd pain and/or fullness
Da Cheng Qi Tang ingredients
Da Huang
Mang Xiao
Zhi Shi
Hou Po
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang
Mild Yang Ming Fu pattern
Constipation not as severe, abd pain not worse with pressure
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang ingredients
Da Huang
Hou Po
Zhi Shi
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang
Yang Ming Fu: ST/LI heat
no signs of Qi Stag, just heat
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang ingredients
Da Huang
Mang Xiao
Gan Cao
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang
Yang Ming Fu w/ yin xu
Heat in ST/LI w/ damaged yin
Ma Zi Ren Wan
SP bind d/t dryness/heat in ST and intestines
more chronic with urinary s/s - frequent urination = water not going into intestines
Run Chang Wan
Constipation due to desiccated intestines and blood deficiency
Usually after long illness, birth, etc.
Ji Chuan Jian
KID yang xu constipation
Hypothyroid constipation
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang
Cold accumulation in the interior constipation
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Shao Yang syndrome
s/s: alt c/f with wiry pulse
DY: Chai Hu/rel. ext, Huang Qin/drain
Xiao Chai Hu Tang ingredients
chai hu huang qin ban xia sheng jiang ren shen zgc da zao
Hao Qin Qing Dan Tang
Shao Yang syndrome w/DH
“Xiao chai hu tang” + DAMP
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Triple Yang pattern, Shao Yang syndrome
“Da chai hu tang” + anxiety, palps, disturbed spirit
Si Ni San
Disharmony of LIV/SP, Shao Yin syndrome with frigid extremities
s/s: cold fingers and toes
Si Ni San ingredients
Chai Hu
Zhi Shi
Bai Shao
Xiao Yao San
LIV Qi stag + blood and SP xu
underlying depression
Xiao Yao San ingredients
Chai hu bo he bai shao dang gui bai zhu fu ling sheng jiang zgc
Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
LIV constraint leading to fire
s/s: irritability
Tong Xie Yao Fang
Diarrhea d/t SP xu and LIV excess
IBS formula
SP pulse becomes wiry and LIV pulse becomes xu
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
ST Qi disharmony with mixed hot/cold in the intestines
Epigastric focal distention
T: thin yellow and greasy, P: wiry rapid
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
Late stage febrile disease w/extensive yin and jin ye xu
NO night sweating - heat so deep in interior, can’t even get to surface
Steaming bone formula - body shunting heat deep into bones
Qing Gu San
Chronic heat disorder leading to Yin xu and xu heat
Night sweats - heat closer to surface
Steaming bone formula
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Yin xu heat and fire
Excess and xu heat - fever, night sweats = xu, red dry tongue = excess
Sheng, shu di - nourish yin
Huang bros - clear heat
Liu Yi San
Summerheat and dampness
Damp more than heat
6:1 formula
Dang Gui Si Ni Tang
Cold in channels with underlying blood xu
Based on “Gui zhi tang”
s/s: cold hands and feet
Li Zhong Wan
MJ cold from deficiency
SP yang xu/Tai Yin - drying damp with gan jiang
s/s: diarrhea with watery stool
Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan
SP + KID yang xu - “li zhong wan” + “si ni tang”
Li Zhong Wan + Fu Zi
s/s - undigested food
Li Zhong Wan ingredients
Gan Jiang - dry damp
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Wu Zhu Yu Tang
- ST deficiency cold - vomiting after eating, indeterminate gnawing hunger, acid regurgitation
- Deficiency cold of ST/LIV - vertex HA, spitting frothy saliva
- Cold attacking MJ - V/D w/cold hands and feet, agitation
Wu Zhu Yu Tang ingredients
Wu Zhu Yu
Sheng Jiang
Ren Shen
Da Zao
Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
Spasmodic abd. pain d/t consumptive xu
Thin/deficiency type person
Da Jian Zhong Tang
Severe cold abd pain d/t excess or xu
s/s: excruciating epigastric pain, patient cannot tolerate being touched
Si Ni Tang
KID yang xu w/ increase of internal cold
Shao Yin - cold everywhere
s/s - extremely cold extremities, lethargic, diarrhea with undigested food
Si Ni Tang ingredients
Sheng Fu Zi
Gan Jiang
Si Jun Zi Tang
SP Qi xu
Si Jun Zi Tang ingredients
Ren Shen
Bai Zhu
Fu Ling
Liu Jun Zi Tang
SP Qi xu w/ damp phlegm accumulation
s/s: n/v, often coughing of copious, thin and white sputum
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
SP Qi xu leading to internally generated dampness
main s/s: loose stool or diarrhea
Which herbs in Shen Ling Bai Zhu San helpl SP hold on to strength
Shan Yao
Bai Bian Dou
Lian Zi
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
SP/ST Qi xu leading to sinking of yang
s/s: intermittent fever that worsens on exertion, pale tongue
Yin fire displaced to interior
Prolapse of SP and wei qi
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang ingredients
Huang Qi Ren Shen Bai Zhu ZGC Dang Gui Chen Pi Chai Hu Sheng Ma
Yu Ping Feng San
Wei Qi xu
s/s: spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds
Yu Ping Feng San ingredients
Huang Qi
Bai Zhu
Fang Feng
Sheng Mai San
Concurrent xu of Qi and Yin, primarily of LU
s/s: chronic dry cough
Sheng Mai San ingredients
Ren Shen
Mai Men Dong
Wu Weu Zi
Bu Fei Tang
LU Qi xu
s/s: SOB, sweating, coughing or wheezing
Bu Fei Tang ingredients
Ren Shen Huang Qi Wu Wei Zi Zi Wan Sang Bai Pi Shu Di Huang
Si Wu Tang
LIV blood xu
s/s: blurred vision, irreg menses, wiry or thin pulse
Si Wu Tang ingredients
Shu di huang
Bai shao
Dang gui
Chuan xiong
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
LIV blood xu + blood stasis
s/s: dark-purple, sticky blood with or without clots
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Blood xu caused by injury to Yuan Qi (loss of blood or massive sweating)
Huang qi - 30g
Dang gui - 6g
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang
LIV blood xu
MAIN s/s: abdominal spasms
ING: Bai Shao + ZGC
Ba Zhen Tang
SP Qi and LIV blood xu
Ba Zhen Tang ingredients
Si Jun Zi Tang (Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, ZGC)
Si Wu Tang (Shu di, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong)
Sheng Jiang
Da Zao
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
Qi and blood xu with internal cold
s/s: weakness (of lower extremities)
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang ingredients
Ba Zhen Tang
Huang Qi
Rou Gui
Gui Pi Tang
SP Qi and HT blood xu
s/s: forgetfulness, palps, insomnia (diff getting to sleep), anxiety, chronic bleeding (blood moves out of vessels easily)
SP - manages blood
HT - commands blood
Gui Pi Tang ingredients
Si Jun Zi Tang (Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, ZGC) Huang Qi Suan Zao Ren Long Yan Rou Dang Gui Mi Zhi Yuan Zhi Mu Xiang Sheng Jiang Da Zao
Zhi Gan Cao Tang
Consumptive condition with Qi and Blood xu
Intermittent or knotted pulse formula - regularly irregular d/t HT Qi xu
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
LIV blood + LIV/KID yin xu
s/s: dry eyes, diminished visual acuity
More LIV blood xu
Sha Shen Mai Men Dong Tang
Dryness damaging LU and ST yin
s/s: dry throat, hacking cough
External dry damaging LU and ST yin
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
LIV and KID yin xu
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan ingredients
Shu di Shan Zhu Yu Shan Yao Ze Xie Mu Dan Pi Fu Ling
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan
LIV and KID yin xu with vigorous fire
s/s: night sweats, flooding zhi pulse
Steaming bone formula
More vigorous fire damages yin - heat signs more intense
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan ingredients
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Zhi Mu
Huang Bai
Zuo Gui Yin
KID yin and Jing xu
Similar to “liu wei di huang wan”, but more nourishing KID essence than LWDHW
Zuo Gui Wan
KID xu (esp marrow and essence)
Restore left KID pill
More concerned with KID essence
Da Bu Yin Wan
Upward rising of fire d/t LIV and KID xu
Steaming bone formula
Deals more with external heat
Da Bu Yin Wan ingredients
Shu di
Gui Ban
Huang Bai
Zhi Mu
Zuo Gui Yin ingredients
Shu di
Shan Zhu Yu
Shan Yao
Gou Qi Zi
Fu Ling
Yi Guan Jian
LIV and KID yin xu + Qi stag
LIV Qi stagnant for long period –>yin xu
Er Zhi Wan
LIV and KID yin xu
s/s: premature graying or loss of hair
ING: nu zhen zi, han lian cao
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Internal dryness of LU d/t LU + KID yin xu
s/s: blood-streaked sputum, LBP
TB formula
Shen Qi Wan (Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan)
KID Qi and Yang xu
Fill w/yin and light with Fu Zi
s/s: urinary difficulty with edema, excessive urination
You Gui Yin
KID yang xu
Similar to “shen qi wan”
Also for patterns of true cold, false heat
You Gui Wan
KID yang xu w/waning of the fire at the gate of vitality
May be: infertility, loose stools (undigested food), incontinence, pedal edema
Er Xian Tang
KID yin and yang xu w/xu fire
s/s: menopause, hot flashes, fatigued with cold and hot flashes
Er Xian Tang ingredients
xian mao yin yang huo ba ji tian huang bai zhi mu dang gui
Mu Li San
Qi and yin xu sweating
s/s: spontaneous sweating that worsens at night
Si Shen Wan
Cocks crow diarrhea d/t SP/KID xu cold
Yue Ju Wan
Qi stagnation
6 stagnations: damp, blood, heat, food, qi
Yue Ju Wan ingredients
xiang fu cang zhu chuang xiong zhi zi shen qu
Chai Hu Shu Gan San
LIV Qi Stag
Chai Hu Shu Gan San ingredients
chai hu zhi ke bai shao zgc xiang fu chuang xiong chen pi
Ban Xia Huo Po Tang
Plum-pit Qi
Gua Lou Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang
Xiong Bi/Painful obstruction of the chest
Angina formula
Tian Tai Wu Yao San
Hernia d/t cold accumulation and Qi Stag
s/s: lower abd pain radiating to the testicles
(vs. Nuan Gan Jian
Chief herb: Wu Yao
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Excess above/deficiency below Phlegm in LU w/KID xu Asthma formula s/s: labored inhalation and smooth exhalation -Rou Gui is to warm KID's
Ding Chuan Tang
WC constraining the exterior and phlegm heat smoldering in the interior
PH in LU w/WC
Asthma formula
s/s: copious, thick and yellow sputum
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang
Rebel ST Qi d/t xu and heat
s/s: hiccup, nausea, dry heaves w/tender red tongue and deficient, rapid pulse
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang
Blood amassment in the LJ
s/s: lower abd pain, choppy pulse, women usually exp. dysmenorrhea or amenorrhea
WC - UB -> heat/yang ming -> up to HT/down to uterus (blood stasis)
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Blood stasis in the chest
s/s: systemic blood stasis, sharp pain in the chest and hypochondria
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Blood stasis below the diaphragm
s/s: palpable abdominal masses
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Blood stasis of the lower abdomen
s/s: cysts, fibroids
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Painful obstruction d/t Qi and blood stag blocking the jing luo
s/s: chronic aches and pains of the body
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
Post stroke sequelae - Qi xu w/ blood stasis obstrux the channels
s/s: any type of hemiplegia
Fu Huan Huo Xue Tang
Traumatic injury with qi and blood stagnation, esp in chest
Wen Jing Tang
Deficiency and cold of Chong and Ren channels with blood stasis
s/s: persistent uterine bleeding, extended or continuous menstrual flow
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
Blood stasis in the uterus
s/s: mild, persistent uterine bleeding of purple or dark blood during pregnancy
Sheng Hua Tang
Post-partum blood deficiency with cold
s/s: retention of the lochia, choppy pulse
Dang Gui Shao Yao San
Abd. pain d/t disharmony b/t LIV and SP
s/s: continuous, cramping pain, urinary difficulty, slight edema (lower limbs)
- damp “shao yao san”
Shi Xiao San
Blood stasis in the lower abd, chest
s/s: sever abd pain in the middle abd
Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan
Qi and blood stagnation obstrux jing luo
- pain in various locations d/t traumatic injury
Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan
KID xu spermatorrhea
- spermatorrhea most often ass. w/ dysfx of KID and LIV
- employs 2 strategies: tonify with is xu, restrain what is disbursed
Suo Quan Wan
Deficient cold in LJ
s/s: frequent, clear, prolonged urination
- elderly or deficient person
Gui Zhi Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang
Def of Yin and Yang with Ying and Wei disharmony
Gu Jing Wan
Beng Lou d/t LIV Qi Stag and xu heat
s/s: trickling and gushing of blood - blood is VERY RED
- root cause of heat is d/t excess yang qi arising from or leading to a deficiency of yin essence
Wan Dai Tang
SP xu and LIV Qi stag w/damp and turbidity in LJ
s/s: profuse vag dish that is white or pale yellow
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan
HT and KID xu w/blood and yin xu
HT and KID not communicating
Suan Zao Ren Tang
LIV blood xu w/xu heat rising
- this is deficiency irritability, often arising in the wake of an illness or exhaustion from overwork
- stress sleep issues
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
HT/KID disconnect + heat - blood
- HT/KID disconnect with HT fire above and KID yin xu below
FX of Huang Lian and E Jiao = facilitate ax b/t water and fire to treat root and branch
Ding Zhi Wan
HT Qi xu w/phlegm
s/s: apprehensiveness, easily frightened
- someone who has exp. fear/fright
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
Restless organ syndrome
s/s: emotional lability, cond. generally d/t excess worry, anxiety or pensiveness
- form. focuses on tonifying nutritive Qi while inhibiting unrestrained dispersal of souls
An Gong Niu Huang Wan
heat attacking PC and hot phlegm obstrux orifices
s/s: LOC, delirious speech, high fever
- serious abnormal progression of a warm febrile dx
Su He Xiang Wan
Cold coma formula - “closed dx”
- treats acute closed disorder d/t excess cold
Bao He Wan
Acute food stag
- NOT for SP xu
Jian Pi Wan
SP Qi Xu w/food accumulation
- this person is more likely to have px w/diarrhea
- xu more sig than excess here
Wu Mei Wan
roundworm reversal
- hot above/cold below
Dan Shen Yin
Qi stag and Blood stasis in MJ/UJ
s/s: abd or epi pain which may radiate upwards
Jiao Ai Tang
Beng Luo d/t Chong + Ren xu and damage
More of a xu formula
Huai Hua San
Bloody butthole d/t intestinal wind or solid organ toxin
s/s: bright red blood
Xiao Huo Luo Dan
Obstrux of WCD in the Jing Luo w/obstrux of damp, phlegm and blood in the jing luo
s/s: chronic pain, weakness and numbness (esp in lower extremities) d/t wind stroke, s/s aggravated by COLD
Qian Zheng San
Sequalae of wind stroke affecting head/face
Bells palsy formula
Xiao Feng San
Wind rash or damp rash d/t WH or WD
Tends to be larger rash
Ling Jiao Gou Teng Tang
Excess heat in LIV channel stirring up internal wind
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
LIV yang rising leading to LIV wind
LIV and KID yin xu at the center of LIV yang rising, more intense LIV yang rising
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Hyperactivity of LIV yang leading to stirring of LIV wind
LIV yang rising formula d/t lack of LIV blood and KID yang/yin
Person who pushes and pushes w/depletion underneath so when they go to rest, nothing below to root them down
Less intense wind
E Jiao Ji Zi Huang Tang
LIV wind d/t to yin and blood xu
Someone who’s had a febrile condition or heat in LIV long term that has completely damaged LIV yin leadint to dried out, stiff, inflexible tendons
Xing Su San
Externally contracted cool-dryness
Sang Xing Tang
exterior warm-dryness affecting the LU
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
warm dryness attacking the LU
s/s: warm more extreme - fever, thirst
Heat and dry damage yin
Mai Men Dong Tang
LU atrophy (fei wei), LU and/or ST yin xu
- LU Qi and yin xu, LU’s aren’t able to disperse and descend
Also chronic sore throat with phlegm
Ping Wei San
Damp in MJ w/o SP Qi xu
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Tang
Sudden turmoil - WCD –> MJ
s/s: n/v, diarrhea
San Ren Tang
Early stage of damp warmth (damp > heat) affecting the Qi level
- originally exogenous in nature but SP Qi xu w/DH
Yin Chen Hao Tang
Yang jaundice, DH jaundice
s/s: whole body jaundice, ‘tangerine’ color
Ba Zheng San
DH in the LJ, bloody lin
- often made worse with lifestyle
Er Miao San
DH lodged in LJ
s/s: weakness or atrophy in lower extremities
Er Miao San ingredients
Cang Zhu
Huang Bai
Wu Ling San
Tai Yang water buildup, SP xu damp, congested fluids in LJ
s/s: edema, generalized sensation of heaviness
Zhu Ling Tang
Interlocking of water and heat - bloody lin
Wu Pi San
Skin edema
- accumulation of fluids sitting under skin
- all ing. are a peel
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
SP yang xu leading to fluids in LU/HT
s/s: fullness in chest, palpitations, SOB
Zhen Wu Tang
KID yang xu w/ water accum, Tai Yang Disorder
s/s: low body edema with pitting edema
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang
WD at the exterior s/s Acute WD H/A - heavy wrap head herb zones: - Qiang Huo - occiput Gao Ben - vertex Chuan Xiong - termporal Man Jing Zi - eyes
Juan Bi Tang
General WCD Bi
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang
Chronic bi d/d LIV and KID xu, Qi and blood xu
- Low body with significant LIV bld/KID yang xu
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang
WCD Bi turning into heat
Er Chen Tang
Damp phlegm accumulation (everywhere)
Wen Dan Tang
GB and ST disharmony accom. by phlegm heat
- phlegm heat anxiety w/ GB Qi xu - withdrawn, timid
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Phlegm heat in the LU
s/s: thick yellow phlegm
Xiao Xian Xiong Tang
Phlegm heat stagnation in chest
- Shang Han Lun version phlegm heat in LU going interior
Xiao Luo Wan
Hardness and nodules of the neck
s/s: rubbery thyroid phlegm nodules
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
LU dryness w/phlegm accum./dry phlegm
- dry phlegm in LU, environmental or smokers cough
San Zi Yang Qin Tang
Phlegm retention in LU w/Qi stag
- sub-acute asthma wheezing d/t DP
Zhi Sou San
Cough d/t WC invading the LU
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
LIV overact SP –> Wind phlegm
- Menierres formula