Formulas Flashcards
What is the 60:1 rule?
1° = 1NM @ 60NM 1° = 100' @ 1NM
Climb Gradient
Gradient = altitude to lose / distance
Pitch change for a gradient
Pitch change° = gradient / 100
100’/NM is 1° pitch change
VVI = gradient * TAS in min VVI = pitch° * 100 * TAS in min
VVI for 3° & VVI for 2.5°
VVI 3° = GS * 5
VVI 2.5 = GS * 5 - 100
Distance to descend
Distance = Alt loss in 1ks / 3
TAS from IMN
TAS = IMN * 600
TAS from IAS
TAS = IAS + FL/2
TAS = IAS + 5kt / 1000’
above are same answer
TAS = IAS + 2% per 1000’
best formula
Density Altitude Variation from Temperature
Density Alt = Pressure Alt +/- 1000’ per 15°F or 8°C
120’ per 1°C
NM/Min from TAS or IMN
NM/MIN = TAS/60 NM/MIN = IMN * 10
Pitch change from wind
60kts wind is approximately 1° pitch change
Turn Radius (TR) at 30° Bank
TR = NM/MIN -2 TR = (NM/MIN)^2 / 10 TR = IMN * 10 - 2 TR = IMN^2 * 10
Turn Radius (TR) of Standard Rate Turn (SRT)
TR of SRT = 0.5% of TAS
Standard Rate Turn (SRT) bank°
1/2 SRT bank°
SRT Bank = TAS / 10 + 7
SRT Bank = 15% of TAS
1/2 SRT = TAS / 20 + 7
90° Lead point for DME Arc
DME Lead = Arc radius +/- Turn Radius
Radial Lead = 60*TR/Arc Radius
Multipliers for other than 90° turns for arcs
30° = 1/6 45° = 1/3 60° = 1/2 90° = 1 120° = 1 1/2 135° = 1 2/3 150° = 1 5/6 180° = 2
Bank° to maintain DME arc
Bank° = 30*TR/Arc radius
Use IMN^2 * 10 for best results
Teardrop offset with 30° bank
Offset = 120*TR/outbound distance
Teardrop outbound distance
Distance = 120*TR/offset
Teardrop Bank° when unable 30°
Bank° = 60*TR/distance between radials
Distance between radials
Distance = Degrees * NM / 60
Holding Altitudes, Airspeeds and Leg Times
0-6,000 200 KIAS 1 min
6,001-14,000 230 KIAS 1 min
14,001+ 265 KIAS 1.5 min
Outbound holding time correction
1+00: outbound = 3600/inbound
1+30: outbound = 8100/inbound
Drift° from TAS, IMN and portion of max drift
Drift° = x-wind/TAS in min Drift° = x-wind * 10 / IMN out of 100
Use seconds on clock to calculate portion of max, 20° = 1/3, 30° = 1/2, 60° = 1
Time to turn 180° at 30° bank
180° in minutes at 30° bank = 0.5% of TAS
Double Drift Holding Procedure
Bank angle into wind = 30° - drift°
Other turn = 30° bank
inbound leg = course +/- drift
outbound leg = course +/- 2 * drift
Triple Drift Holding Procedure
Both turns = 30° bank
inbound leg = course +/- drift
outbound leg = course +/- 3 * drift
Procedure turn distance for 45/180 and 80/260
45/180 = 3 * TR + 2 80/260 = 3 * TR
Course Intercept heading
(Radial on - Desired Radial) * 2
no less than 20
no more than 90
VDP Calculations
VDP in NM = HAT/gradient (normally 300)
VDP in sec from runway = HAT / 10
sec/mi = time from box/nm from FAF to MAP
sec/mi = 3600/TAS
VDP Time = sec/mi * FAF-VDP distance
Timing for correct circling distance
These times generate a 2*TR distance from runway
To correct TAS, add Headwind and subtract tailwind
90° time = 10% corrected TAS
30° time = 10% corrected TAS * 4
45° = travel 2*TR down runway
Time and Distance from station
Time from station = seconds/bearing change
Distance from station = TAS*min/bearing change
Speed of sound formula and temperature approximation
39*SQRT(Temp°C + 273)
Varies 1.2 Kts per 1°C
Hydroplaning Formulas
Takeoff = 8.6*SQRT(tire pressure) Landing = 7.7*SQRT(tire pressure)
online approximations are 9*sqrt(tire pressure)
Specific Range, Endurance and Fuel Consumption
Specific Range = Distance/Fuel OR Speed/Fuel Flow
Specific Endurance = Flight Hours/Fuel OR 1 / Fuel Flow
Specific Fuel Consumption = Fuel Flow/Thrust
ATC Light Gun Signals on the Ground
Steady Green = Cleared for Takeoff
Flashing Green = Cleared to Taxi
Steady Red = Stop
Flashing Red = Taxi clear of runway
Flashing White = Return to Starting Point
Alternating Red and Green = Exercise Extreme Caution
ATC Light Gun Signals in the Air
Steady Green = Cleared to Land
Flashing Green = Return for Landing
Steady Red = Give Way and Continue Circling
Flashing Red = Airport Unsafe, do not land
Flashing White = N/A
Alternating Red and Green = Exercise Extreme Caution
Approach Categories and Old Standard Circling Minimums
Cat A 0-90 1.3 Cat B 91-120 1.5 Cat C 121-140 1.7 Cat D 141-165 2.3 Cat E 166+ 4.5
New Circling Minimum for Cat C
MDA < 1000 2.7 1001-3000 2.8 3001-5000 2.9 5001-7000 3.0 7001-9000 3.2 9001+ 3.3
Fuel Minimums
Domestic: Destination + Furthest Alternate + 45 min
Flag: Destination + Furthest Alternate + 30 + (Destination + Alt * 10% or 90 min, whichever is less)
Destination WX Alternate requirements
Domestic: +/- 1 hour, 2000, 3 miles vis
Flag +/- 1 hour, MDA + 1500 or 2000 (greater), vis+2 or 3 (greater); always if over 6 hours
Standard Takeoff Mins
1 or 2 engine = 1 mile
3 or 4 engine = 1/2 mile
Takeoff/Landing Performance as a result of Weight, Density Alt, Temperature, Wind, and Humidity
10% weight = 20% T/O, 10% LND 1000' density = 10% T/O, 4% LND 10°C = 10% T/O, 5% LND 10% wind of Vref/Vr = 20% distance High Humidity = 10% T/O
True Altitude from temperature
Hot to cold look out below
subtract cold; add hot
Radar Tilt
Distance * Tilt° * 100 = relative height of storm