Formulas Flashcards
Total debt/total equities
Capacity utilsation
Current output/max output x100
Employee retention rate
Number of leavers/number of employees at end of period x100
Current ratio
Current assets/current liabilities (how well a company may be able to meet its short-term debt)
Actual-budgeted finance
Labour turnover
Number of leavers/average number of employee per year
Labour productivity
Output per period / total number of employees
Operating profit
gross profit - other operating costs
Break even(3 different equations)
Fixed costs / Contribution per unit
Break even output(units)
Fixed costs/contribution per unit
Margin of safety
Current output-break even output
Added value
Selling price-cost price
Contribution per unit
Selling price per unit - variable cost per unit
(profit made on individual products)
Gross profit
Sales revenue-variable cost
Current ratio
Current assets/current liablities