Formulas Flashcards
CME - GDP Trend Growth
= Labor Inputs + Labor Productivity
= [Growth in potential labor force size + growth in labor force participation] + [growth in capital inputs + growth in TFP]
CME: Long-Run Equity Valuation
= (Nominal GDP trend growth) x (Share of profits: dividend rate) x (delta P/E ratio)
Taylor Rule
(ioptimal - infl expected) = Realneutral + 0.5(GDPgrowth expected - GDPgrowth trend) + 0.5(Infl expected - Infl target)
E(Re) = GDP growth + LT Corp growth premium + Share repurchase + Div yield + PE growth
Infinite time horizon = GDP Growth + Div Yield
Singer Terharr
E(Ri) = Rf + DI(p(i,GM)sdiSR(GM)) + (1-DI)(1sdiSRs)
Real Estate Returns
Long-run: E(Rre) = cap rate + NOI Growth Rate
Short-run: E(Rre) = cap rate + NOI Growth Rate - PCT chng in Cap Rate
Risky Asset Utility & Weight
U = w^(1-lambda)/1-lambda Weight = (1/lambda)(mean - rf)/variance
Risk budgeting
MCTR = beta(i|p)var(p), ACTR = weight(i)MCTR(i)
Ratio of excess return to MCTR should be same for all assets for AA to be optimal
Futures gain/loss
principal invoice amount - bond purchase price
principal invoice amount = (futures settlement price/100)conv factor100,000
Beta change using # futures
futures = (Bt - Bs/Bf)*(S/F)
Variance Swaps
Strike quoted as s.d.
VarNotional = Vega Notional/2strike
Settlement Amount = (VarNotional)(Realized Var - Var Strike)
Value of swap = VarNotionalPvt(T)[(t/T)(Realized vol(o,t)) + (T-t/T)(Implied vol(t,T)) - Strike^2)
Annualizing Volatility
Vol(Monthly) = Vol(Annual)*sqrt(252/21)
Fed Funds Rate
Fed Funds Futures Contract Price = 100 - Expected FFR
Prob of change = (futures rate - current)/(FFR with change - current)
Min cost HR
h = corr(Rdc,Rfx)*sd(Rdc)/sd(Rfx)
Return on leveraged portfolio
ROI*(Ve + Vb) - rb(Vb) / (Ve)