Formulae Flashcards
What is the Lorentz factor?
γ = 1/(1-v^2)^{1/2)
Define proper length and proper time.
L’ = L/gamma and τ’ = τ gamma
relativistic momenta.
What is the formula for relativistic energy?
where c^2 =1
What is the dispersion relation in relativistic physics?
E^2 = (pc)^2 + (m_{0}c^2)^2
What is the formula for invariant mass?
How is the threshold defined in terms of invariant mass?
The threshold for a reaction is the minimum invariant mass needed for the reaction to occur.
What is hypercharge in particle physics?
Y = B + S + C + B̃
where B̃ is bottomness, S is strangeness and C is charmness
What is the Gell-Mann Nishijima relation?
Q = I_{3} + Y/2
where Q is electric charge, I_{3} is the third component of isospin, and Y is hypercharge.
Parity in particle physics
P(hat)x(arrow) = -x(arrow)
where P(hat) is the parity operator.
Time reversal in particle physics
T(hat)(it) =(-i)(-t)
where T(hat) is the time reversal operator.
charge conjugation
ĈQ = -Q
where C(hat) is the charge conjugation operator and Q is the electric charge.
invariant mass
Invariant mass = (s)^1/2
s = = (pin . pin)
where pin = p1 + p2
Gauge invariance
Aμ -> Aμ’ = Aμ + dμα
A^μ -> A^μ’ = A^μ + d^μα
Total Spin
S = (s1+s2),(s1+s2-1),…,|s1-s2|