Formula for DSE part 2 Flashcards
What is N, P and yi
What is the formula for forecast or predictive distribution?
F(y) = P(Y ≤ y).
What is the formula for forecast error?
What is the formula for quadratic and absolute loss function?
What is the general formula of risk
What is the general formula of risk for quadratic and absolut eloss
What is the formula for (Conditional) predictive modeling?
What is the formula for optimal conditional point forecast?
What is the formula for optimal conditional point forecast for quadratic loss?
What is the formula for the common loss function
“0-1” loss
What is euclidean distance formula?
What are the steps for knn?
What is the formula for conditional probabilities?
What is the formula for standardize and scaling?
What is the formula for the last step of knn? for regression task
What is the formula for in sample and out sample MSE for KNN?