Forms of capital Flashcards
Economic Capital
you can transform, monetize or invest it. But we need more.
Cultural Capital.
How we consciously or unconsciously distribute or invest in our own social group.
Embodied cultural capital (Habitus)
Positions that we have consciously or unconsciously programmed in us. The things that people around us see as natural, are the things we see as natural. Become the common way of us to behave because we embody certain behaviors. (the way we dress, the people we like). There will be a diverse spectrum of things, a series of options that will be open to us, this is when our families or social groups will have something to say about it. Things have been accepted in our social group, but inside of our household it hasn’t.
Objectified cultural capital
Things we have and know how to use. (ex. how we use our laptops, pen and pencil). The moment I don’t know how to use things, it becomes economic capital (not knowing how to use a mac, but knowing its worth).
Institutionalized cultural capital
Example : we don’t want to be at uni but we have to in order to obtain our diploma and obtain other things in the future.
Social Capital →
People we have access to which we might or might not know. (for example: exchanges by universities, we can meet new people and expand our social capital.)
Institutionalized Social Capital
separate from social capital because its “high standard” (Obama).
all of these terms..
These do not work independently, they work with one another.
Symbolic capital
that is to say, capital—in whatever form—insofar as it is represented, i.e., apprehended symbolically, in a relationship of knowledge or, more precisely, of misrecognition and recognition, presupposes the intervention of the habitus, as a socially constituted cognitive capacity.