Forms Mission Specific ORM Flashcards
Designated/Tactical Lead
The designated lead is _____
The tactical lead will be the pilot at the controls of lead aircraft
ATC/TAC Callsign
Our ATC callsign will be BB220 flight of 2 (lead out/into KNSE)
Our TAC callsign will be REMY
Tactical Frequencies
Review UHF and VHF tactical freqs
Ground Ops/Taxi Plan
All ground ops conducted IAW FWOP.
We’ll set TAC freq in VHF after turning on the battery
Canopy closure will be coordinated with a thumbs up if within sight or on TAC freq if not in sight
Complete full before taxi checklist including ATIS. Once complete, lead will check victor with wing and call clearance and ground sequentially
Trail taxi to and throughout run up and stagger taxi to active runway
Rendezvous Plan
We will conduct an interval takeoff, 5 sec/1000ft separation between lead and wing
Once clear of the pattern, running rendezvous will be used to join up
Lead will be 80% torque, 160 KIAS until wing is joined or lead begins to level off
Once joined, lead will put wing in cruise and climb at 180KIAS up to 90% torque
If section takeoff, Lead will kick wing to cruise once safely airborne and VMC
Admin Lead Changes
IP conducted
Joker/Bingo Fuel
Set joker to 685 on deck, at first ops check recalculate using lowest fuel state
Bingo normally 400 following first lead change and 260 when conducting CCAS after final lead change if returning to KNSE via Jay
Wx/different destination will affect our Bingo, refer to Alt/Divert airfields page in IFG to calculate accurate Bingo
Aborted Takeoff
For interval, sympathetic aborts apply
Should be enough separation that even if lead crosses centerline, wing will be able to stop on their side of the runway
If wing cannot maintain separation, may change sides or depart prepared surface to avoid collision
No sympathetic abort for section takeoff
Unsafe Gear
IP will be on controls to conduct gear inspection
SNA look for landing/taxi lights on and/or inboard gear doors closed
Minimum altitude 2000ft AGL
Lost Comm
Failed aircraft will move acute to get other aircraft’s attention and pass lost comm signal
Lead will be given to NORDO aircraft in order to troubleshoot
If issues remain, lead will be given to working aircraft to coordinate return, letting ATC know that Dash 2 is NORDO so they can have ALDIS lamp signals ready at the 180
No lead changes inside Waldo/Easy
If lead NORDO inside Waldo/Easy, lead gives lost comm hand signal. If cleared to break, wing kisses him off. If not cleared to break, wing gives climb signal to disco to change lead and troubleshoot
If visual contact lost in VMC, wing will call “Blind, altitude”
Lead will call “Visual” or “Blind”
If visual, lead will direct with clock position high level low
If both blind, relay heading and altitude (lead owns current altitude, wing ensures 500ft separation without crossing lead’s altitude)
Rendezvous conducted over ground checkpoint or in center of block
Upon arrival at point, LH turns reporting each point 1-4 until visual and rendezvous executed
Lost Sight
If wing goes lost sight, transition to instrument scan, call “TAC, lost sight” and decrease power 10%
Wing execute appropriate procedures IAW FTI
If VMC not regained, Lead coordinate separation, squawks, clearances
Lost Comm/Lost Sight/Blind
In case of IMC and lost comm in Fox, good comms aircraft will turn east and RTB via Jay, NORDO aircraft turn west to exit Fox, south to remain clear of Fox, then east to return using standard lost comm procedures
Tactical lead owns the block altitude
If blind and we can’t talk, execute Lost Sight procedures. we will not rejoin, but will recover individually
Airborne Damage/Midair/Birdstrike
If aircraft touch, we are done flying forms
If we cannot regain control or OCF below 6000ft AGL, we will eject immediately
If controllable, flight will gain separation and lead coordinate separate Pelican blocks to conduct controllability checks
If bird strike, damaged aircraft will be given lead and good aircraft into perch position and assist
Aircraft initiating CFS will notify other aircraft
Avoid using words “eject” or “CFS” over radio (punch out, pop glass)
Unaffected aircraft assume perch position (offset prior to actuation or ejection)
Front cockpit watch now unmanned aircraft, rear cockpit watch for two parachutes
Chase ship becomes on scene commander
Cruise Man/Tail Chase
Brief Limits
G warm performed in conjunction with breakup prior to tail chase
Brief sequence of tail chase maneuvers
Knock It Off/Terminate
Brief definition and procedures
KIO for any of following:
- Trail aircraft reaches forward of lead’s 3-9 line
- Below 90 knots
- Interloper
- Departure/Spin
- Aircraft flown through hard deck or working area
- Overstress/Overspeed
- Inadvertent IMC
- Loss of SA
- Unsafe condition/Emergency
- Training rule violation