Formative Test Flashcards
A volcanic partcle that is made up of fragments about the size of a grain of rice.
Volcanic Ash
A volcano that may erupt again at some time in the distant future is?
The huge hole left by the collapes of a volcanic mountain.
How does the release of trapped gases in magma cause a volcano to erupt?
Under tremendous pressure, magma is forced to the surface of the earth’s crust causing an explosion.
If geologists detect many earthquakes in the area near the volcano, what can they infer about the volcano?
About to erupt
Type of rock that forms if the lava contains large amounts of gas such as steam and carbon dioxide.
The main hazard from a quiet volcano eruption.
Lava flow
Why do geologists call volcsnoes as windows into earth’s interior?
Earth’s interior can be studied through the chemical compositions of the lava.