Formation of Contracts Flashcards
Outward manifestation of our intent to enter into a contract.
Looking for specific terms, intent to enter into K
* *Advertisements are generally not an offer, they are an invitation to offer.**
5 ways to terminate an offer
- Death
- Lapse of time
- Rejection: no
- Counter offer: no, and change material term of the offer.
- Revocation: person making the offer revokes it before you respond
Direct Revocation
I call and tell you I change my mind before you respond
Indirect Revocation
I made the offer to you and you learn that I made an offer to someone else (took it off the table for you). Once you learn I made offer to someone else you no longer have the power to accept my offer.
Irrevocable offers:
- Option Contract
- Sale of goods (UCC)/ Form Offer
- Unilateral Contract
Option Contract
Where I promise you Ill keep offer open for a period of time.
a. We need promise to keep the offer open and additional consideration.
Sale of goods (UCC)/ Firm Offer
Same as option contract: promise to keep an offer open
a. We need a writing signed by the merchant, promise to keep the offer open, merchants
b. Lasts for the time stated. If no time is stated max is 3 months. Once 3 months pass, the offer goes back to being revocable.
Unilateral Contract
Promise for an act. Looking for performance.
a. The moment you begin performance the offer become irrevocable.
Bilateral Contract
Promise for a promise
Ways to accept
- Can accept by silence
- Can accept by performance
Acceptance at CL
Mirror image rule: Your acceptance has to mirror my offer.
o If don’t specify any means you accept in any way that is reasonable
Mailbox Rule
Acceptance is effective when SENT
o Exception to mailbox rule: when you send me the rejection first, and then you change your mind and send me an acceptance and the first letter to arrive is effective.
What is UCC Sales of goods
In UCC sales of goods hypo as long as were on same page contract enforced, its more liberal.
Basic material terms are the same. If merchants we know each other there is custom way we do business
Exceptions to UCC Sale of Goods
Exceptions where change in terms will make a difference:
o If you changed the terms and those changes materially altered a term in the contract (totally changed price, type of widget) it invalidates the offer and we have no deal.
o If I object to the offer in a reasonable amount of time, that will also invalidate the offer.
o Where the offer limits the acceptance (limits the way you accept the contract) dnt see this that often.
Bargained for exchange. Were making a deal, im giving up something youre giving up something. Don’t worry about the value but the deal
Illusory promise
This is not valid consideration; Illusion looks like promise. Where im retaining control. Modern trend this is valid.
The promise to give a gift is NOT consideration
If I give you the gift (already gave gift) I cant take it back that valid consideration.
Past or moral consideration
Past or moral consideration is not consideration. stuff that has already occurred in the past
- You do something on your own then I promise to reward you for it, invalid consideration
- If I promise you the $ first then you go do it, we have valid consideration
Promise to pay a debt barred by SOL
Promise to pay a debt that barred by statue of limitation is valid consideration.
- I promise to pay u debt even tho its past statue of limitations you can enf that promise as valid consideration. Stupid to offer it
Promise to pay a debt that has been discharged by bankruptcy
Promise to pay a debt that been discharged by bankruptcy: It wiped away all my debts, If I then promise again to pay you it is now valid consideration.
Forbearance to sue
Forbearance to sue: I have rt to sue u but I give up that rt (promise not to sue you) that is valid consideration.
Promissory Estoppel
A promise you that induces you to rely to your detriment. You only did it because I promised you. You relied on my promise.
Answer must be about reliance and not consideration.
Accord and Satisfaction- There is no dispute
With a debt. I owe u $100. I send u check for $50 that say paid in full. You cash it. Even tho check paid in full you still own me $50 more bucks. We agree there is debt, I pay you something for it. You can still come after me for the rem bal
Accord and Satisfaction- Settlement/ Dispute/ Negotiation
I owe u $100. I don’t have $100. I offer I can pay $50. You say you need $90. We agree on $75. If theres some sort of settlement/ negotiation dispute back and forth between us I owe u $100 we agree on $75 we make a settlement. I can send you a check $75 paid in full and you cant come after me for $25.
Accord and Satisfaction- When I doubt there was a debt in the first place
You call asking about $100. I don’t remember. I say ill give you $50 and you take it, you cant come after me for the rem $50. When I doubt that I owe u money in first place but I pay you something anyway that amount is enforceable and you cant come after me for the rem bal.