Formation Flashcards
Reqs for de jure corp: Person, Paper, Act
Person: Incorporator (person or entity) who executes the Articles and delivers them to the Secretary of State
Paper: Articles w/name of corp, name/address of incorporator, legal rep and street address of registered office, info re stock (authorized stock)
Act: Secretary of State accepts the Articles for filing
Organizational Meeting
Meeting required to complete the organization of the corporation by appointing officers and adopting the initial bylaws (held by incorporators or initial directors if named in Articles)
Internal document that has operating manual, methods of giving notice, etc; can be amended, repealed, or adopted by SHs or BOD
Consequences of Forming a Corp (3)
(1) Internal affairs are governed by laws of the state of incorporation; (2) Entity status; (3) Limited liability of SHs (corp responsible for corp debt)
Defective Incorporation
When proprietors thought they formed a corp, but didn’t, they are personally liable for business debts unless there is (1) a De Facto Corp or (2) a Corp by Estoppel [abolished in most states]
De Facto Corporation
(1) Relevant incorporation statute; (2) Parties made a GF, colorable attempt to comply with it; (3) There has been an exercise of corp privileges (acting like it’s a corp). If these are met, the business is treated like a corp unless state is suing it. [abolished in most states]
Corporation by Estoppel
Someone who treats a business as a corporation may be estopped from denying that it is a corporation; only applies to contract cases (not torts) [abolished in most states]
Pre-incorporation Contract
Promotor acts on behalf of corp not yet formed and enters into a contract on prospective corp’s behalf
Liability on Pre-incorporation Contracts
Corp: liable only if it adopts contract (express or implied by taking a benefit)
Promotor: liable unless there is a novation, even if corp adopts
Foreign Corporaton
Corp that is outside the state it’s transacting in; must qualify before it transacts business or pay civil fine and forfeit right to sue in state (can still be sued)