Formal sources of presidential power Flashcards
What are formal sources of presidential power ?
- The formal roles that the president fulfils by virtue of possessing office
- Head of state and head of government
What is their role as head of state ?
- Chief public representative of a country and in the USA this role is designated to the president
- They carry out all the ceremonial and diplomatic duties that are normally performed by constitutional monarchs
- Clearly seen by Bush at 2001 where he addressed the nation that night from the oval office
- Trump did this less successfully during the COVID-19 epidemic, BLM etc
Where are the formal sources of presidential power found ?
- Article II
How have Presidents used media platforms to exert their authority ?
- 1947 : Truman gave the first televised presidential address and all presidents have used this medium
- Obama was the first president to use Twitter
- Trump used Twitter to engage with the nation and the world on topics as diverse as his impeachment, relations with North Korea and COVID-19
Role as the head of government
- The president is chief executive and as such is head of the executive branch of the federal government by virtue of the formal powers granted by the constitution
What are the executive powers of the president ? (2)
- Acting as chief executive
2. Submitting the annual budget
What are the overall roles as head of government ? (5)
- Executive orders
- Legislative powers
- Appointment point
- Foreign policy
- Pardons
Acting as chief executive
- Article 3 grants the President all executive power
- They are the chief executive
- Modern presidents have needed their own bureaucracy (Executive office of the President EXOP)
Submitting the annual budget
- Office of management and budget (OMB) draws up the annual federal budget
- The president then submits the budget to congress + their is a lengthy process if the presidency and congress are controlled by different parties
- This can lead to gridlock and to government shutdowns (Trump = 35 days)
Legislative powers (3)
- Proposing legislation
- signing legislation
- Vetoing legislation
Proposing legislation
- Article II
- The president has the power to propose legislation to congress which can be done through the annual state of the union address
- Can propose legislation at any time eg announcement at a public event
- 2018 : Trump used his state of the union address to promise a crackdown on immigration
Signing legislation
- Once bills have passed through congress, they land on the President’s desk
- They have a number of signing options eg grand ceremony
Vetoing legislation
- Presidents have used just over 1,500 regular vetoes
- Only 1/10 of Trump’s vetoes were overridden
- only 1/12 of Obama’s vetoes were overridden by congress
Appointment powers (2)
- nominating executive branch officials
2. Nominating all federal judges
Nominating executive branch officials
- There are 15 heads of departments which need to be filled
- There are also lower level officials in all these departments, ambassadors, agency heads and members of regulatory commissions
- These appointments are confirmed through a simple majority
Nominating all federal judges
- All judicial appointments are for life and therefore assume a special importance
- confirmed by a simple majority vote in senate
- Trump nominated Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and ACB to the SC
- Nominated federal judges such as Self
- Nominated a number of federal appeal court judges eg Branch
Foreign policy (2)
- Acting as commander in chief
- Negotiating treaties
Acting as commander in chief
- 1940’s-1980’s : particularly important eg Johnson and Nixon in Vietnam
- Increasing since 2001
- Obama was drawn in to crisis in Libya, Iraq etc
- Trump wanted to reframe the USA’s position on the world stage
- Congress’ checks have been less strong on foreign affairs (has the power of the purse but hasn’t declared war since 1941)
Negotiating treaties
- Eg Nuclear arms treaty of Obama
- This is ratified by senate in which a 2/3 majority
- During the 20th Century, senate rejected seven treaties including the treaty of Versailles
- 1974 : Ford pardoned his predecessor Nixon over all watergate related matters
- Obama pardoned 212 people throughout his tenure
- Trump pardoned a number of former political associates eg Roger Stone
What are the 3 roles of the Vice-President ?
- Taking over as president if this becomes necessary
- Acting as the presiding officer of the senate
- Presiding over the counting of electoral college votes
Taking over as president if it becomes necessary
- 9 VPs have become presidents following the death or resignation of the incumbent
- The VP also becomes acting president if the president is declared or declares themselves disabled
Acting as the presiding officer of the senate (VP)
- They can cast a deciding vote in the event of tie
- Of the last 4 VPs 3/4 have used this power
- Eg Harris has made 3 tie casting votes and Pence made 13 tie-breaking votes
Presiding over counting of the electoral college votes
- This was regarded as ceremonial until the events of January 2021
- Trump attempted to pressure Pence in to using this ceremonial occasion to change the election outcome however Pence chose to obey the constitutional order